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Postgraduate Opportunities

Postgraduate Opportunities

Postgraduate Opportunities

There are many different opportunities for students who wish to further their education after completing the BSc in Speech and Language Therapy such as:

  • MSc Degree by Research
  • PhD  by Research

For more information, please contact Professor Fiona Gibbon at

Employment Options

Graduates of the BSc in Speech and Language Therapy work in many different settings. Many graduates go on to employment in clinical settings in the community, in voluntary organizations such as those mentioned, and hospital settings. Some graduates continue their education in UCC or other universities and other graduates decide to work in the research aspect of Speech and Language Therapy. However, there are many opportunities to work in different areas such as Sales of Equipment, Assistive Technology and in the IT sector.  

Graduates take the opportunity to travel and work abroad. Recent graduates are working in the UK, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. 

School of Clinical Therapies

Scoil na dTeiripí Cliniciúla

T12 EK59
