CATCH stands for Communication and Action through Tree-planting for Climate-Health and was a project within the School of Public Health and the Environmental Research Institute at University College Cork. The project concluded in December 2021.
The project aimed to communicate climate change and its impact on human health and wellbeing. When thinking about taking action on the climate crisis, it is important to consider climate actions that have co-benefits for the environment, health and society. Through an online event, local tree-planting and the production of a short animation, the CATCH project aimed to communicate these aspects.
A large focus of the project was on local climate action and particularly the benefits of green spaces and trees, which can provide a dual mitigation and adaptation response to the climate crisis. High quality green spaces can offer a 'triple win': providing benefits to the environment, to human health, and to society (European Environment Agency, 2020). Tree-planting is a climate action where anyone can get involved, empowering us all to become part of the solution. The CATCH project delved deeper into 'thoughtful tree-planting' and through the project, a number of participants had an opportunity to plant their own native Irish tree.
Dr Christie Godsmark co-ordinated the CATCH project. Christie is a Lecturer in the School of Public Health and affiliated with the Environmental Research Institue at University College Cork. Christie is passionate about environmental health and advocates for climate action that benefits the environment, human health and society. To find out more about Christie's work, please click here.
CATCH received funding from the Irish Research Council New Foundations.
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