ISS21 in partnership with CVNI, the Survivor Researcher Network & Asylum Magazine
Sonia Thompson, Co-Director of the Survivor Researcher Network, UK
Tuesday 15 February 18:00-20:00 Online
Register via Eventbrite at the following link:
This seminar is a conversation about racism in mental health. While part of the seminar is informed by UK figures and policies, the broader discussion is of universal relevance. With Ireland leading the EU with some of the worst rates of hate-motivated harassment (INAR’s 2019 Reports of Racism in Ireland), it is an important opportunity to consider how processes of othering and racial discrimination affect experiences of distress. The seminar will critically explore how racism affects the mental health of racialised people. The recent UK government response (or lack thereof) to the over representation of BME people in the COVID morbidity and mortality statistics has been pointed to by many as a wider indication of systemic racism in action and suggested that it may have helped to reinforce a lack of trust between BME communities and government bodies. What are the contexts and factors that create the environments that lead to greater levels of mental distress, and appropriate mental health provision and poor outcomes? Time will be allotted to exploring fundamental aspects of ‘race’ and racism, internalised racism, microaggressions and institutional racism as well as considering its intersectional nature which can lead to unexpected social outcomes. The seminar will consider the role of peer-based approaches to wellbeing and mental health as one way in which to address some of the historical and current trauma in BME communities and problematise the notion that those working in health and social care can be ready to practice without the skills to work effectively across difference.