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Research News

  • Congratulations to our most recent PhD Graduates!

    21 Feb 2020
    Congratulations to our most recent PhD Graduates!

    Congratulations to Dr Lisa Murphy, Dr Sarah Foley and Dr Sarah Robinson who graduated with PhDs in Applied Psychology on the 21st of February! Well done to you and your proud supervisors!

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  • First Doctors of Clinical Psychology - UCC at the forefront of improving access

    23 Oct 2019
    First Doctors of Clinical Psychology - UCC at the forefront of improving access

    Eight students are set to graduate from the Doctor of Clinical Psychology at UCC, an exciting new partnership between the Schools of Applied Psychology and Medicine at UCC and the Health Services Executive (HSE), on Monday (October 21).

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  • Emma Hurley and Raegan Murphy discuss Emma's work in dynamic assessment

    18 Oct 2019
    Emma Hurley and Raegan Murphy discuss Emma's work in dynamic assessment

    Emma Hurley and Raegan Murphy discuss Emma's work in dynamic assessment. The video attached to this vlog showcases a discussion between Emma Hurley and Raegan Murphy on Emma's PhD work which is situated within the area of dynamic assessment. Emma presents her approach to idiographic measurement which concerns N=1 samples but which generate numerous data points on which to anchor further statistical analysis.

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  • New Publication by Dr Raegan Murphy: Predictors of Dropout in Disordered Gamblers in UK Residential Treatment

    02 Aug 2019
    New Publication by Dr Raegan Murphy: Predictors of Dropout in Disordered Gamblers in UK Residential Treatment

    Within the cohort of individuals who seek treatment for disordered gambling, over half fail to complete treatment.

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  • BiPS Body and Emotions Study - Participants needed

    12 Jul 2019
    BiPS Body and Emotions Study - Participants needed

    UCC BEATSLab seeks teens for a study on body image, emotions & hormones.

    We are seeking teenagers to participate in a study of how teenagers think and feel about the changes in the height and size of their body as they get older.

    See for details.

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  • Research blog: Beneath the surface of stress

    04 Jul 2019
    Research blog: Beneath the surface of stress

    Eadaoin Whelan, a PhD student in SoAP, blogs about the impact of daily stressors on health outcomes, which is the focus of her research.  In the blog Eadaoin describes how daily stress, even relatively low level stress, can cause changes to health, in part through biological stress responses, and in part by changes in behaviour that happen when people become stressed.  


    Eadaoin's research focuses on adolescent health, and how the developmental period of adolescence is shaped and influenced by environmental stressors. Using the allostatic load theory, Eadaoin's research examines how emotional experiences are transformed into health outcomes, and scrutinises the unique contribution of both daily stressors as well as daily uplifts, an under-researched area of adolescent health.  Eadaoin will use biological measures (stress hormones, immune system) to capture individual health profiles, and use these with measures of health behaviours (e.g. diet, exercise, sleep) and adolescent diary-reports of daily experience to examine the impact of experiences on health. Based on the findings of this research, Eadaoin will develop and test an intervention designed to buffer the effects of negative experience and amplify the effects of positive experiences. The findings will create new opportunities to promote healthful responses to experiences in adolescence.

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  • Research Blog: Gambling and psychosocial correlates

    20 Mar 2019
    Research Blog: Gambling and psychosocial correlates

    Dr Raegan Murphy highglights some of the work that she and colleagues have been doing in the area of gambling over the past 4 years. The team of researchers include Drs Amanda Roberts (University of Lincoln, UK), Stephen Sharman (University of East London, UK), Jason Landon (Gambling and Addictions Research Centre Faculty of Health & Environmental Sciences, New Zealand), John Turner (University of East London, UK), Sean Cowlishaw (University of Melbourne, Australia), Stephanie Meleck (National Problem Gambling Clinic, UK), Henrietta Bowden-Jones (Imperial College, UK), Robert King (University College Cork, Ireland), Jeremy Coid (Queen Mary University of London, UK) and Katie Palmer du Preez (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand).

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School of Applied Psychology

Síceolaíocht Fheidhmeach

Cork Enterprise Centre, North Mall, Cork.,
