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X-Ray Crystallography

The ABCRF is well equipped for diffraction studies on organic materials. It has a Stöe Stadi MP diffractometer for PXRD, with autosamplers for both capillary and transmission foil work. The can work in both transmission and reflection geometry.

It has a Bruker APEX Duo diffractometer, with a Mo sealed tube and Cu microfocus source, for single crystal diffraction. This is fitted with an Oxford Cryosystems Cobra for accessing temperatures in the range 80 - 400 K.

It also has the first Bruker SMART X2S automated benchtop diffractometer in Europe.

For further details please contact Dr. Simon Lawrence.

Analytical & Biological Chemistry Research Facility (ABCRF)

Saoráid Taighde Ceimice Anailísí agus Bitheolaíochta

Pharmacy Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60.
