Welcoming Dr Marta E. Sánchez & Dr Paul Espinosa
Marta E. Sánchez
On 12 October 2023, UCC SPLAS welcomed Marta E. Sánchez (Professor Emerita of Arizona State University) and Paul Espinosa (award-winning Filmmaker, Producer, and President of Espinosa Productions) to speak about their work on Chicano culture and film. In her talk, ‘Editor to Author: “Escríbelo como si me los estuvieras contando” How a mojado Writes a Cross-Border Narrative’, Sánchez explored the shifting focus in publishing in the 1990s and 2000s regarding translation and publication of English-language Latinx narratives in Spanish for a US domestic audience, taking the case study of Diario de un mojado and its translation Diary of an Undocumented Immigrant. Espinosa, in ‘Reflections of a Chicano Filmmaker: Stories from the U.S.-Mexico Border’, provided an overview of some of the key films he has made in his career, emphasising the importance of film to his work as an anthropologist, studying and raising awareness of Chicano experiences in the US.