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Through The Lens Of Arendt Film Series


Extreme situations, particularly ones of crisis, uncover a person’s true character and values – who they are and where they really operate from.

Through The Lens of Arendt:

  • introduces the powerful ideas of Hannah Arendt for thinking afresh about judgment and their impact on how we relate to others
  • visits the decision-making of three people facing the same situation
  • demonstrates how to use Arendt’s ideas to understand how people think and act differently
  • enhances film watching experience and observational skills

Over four months (six fortnightly sessions), participants will watch four films, engage in a two-hour exploration of some of Arendt’s most powerful ideas and practice their application. There will also be an Ideas Session and a Capstone session.



  • People wishing to practice independent thinking, go beyond the ‘empathy fad’, and engage in genuine dialogues
  • Those wishing to grow their minds and to better understand people and relationships and explore where they operate from
  • Team leaders responsible for building and sustaining effective teams capable of putting themselves in the place of others

Expected Outcomes

The real-life cases in this Film Club show how people thought and acted differently from each other – some thoughtfully, others thoughtlessly – and allow participants to explore the impact of this thinking. As a result, they will be in a better position to:

  • Sense how their words and actions are affecting people
  • Hold high quality and purposeful conversations
  • Build and sustain effective teams capable of putting themselves in the place of others
  • Build a culture of transparency, responsibility and accountability in their businesses
  • Make independent thinking a habit
  • Make judicious judgment calls
  • Challenge and go beyond fads and buzzwords, e.g. ‘empathy’
  • Foster connections that may lead them to experiment and innovate



Not currently on offer as an Open Programme.

Expressions of interest are always welcome.

The Film Club can be co-designed and delivered in-house for team development.

Please make enquiries to


Want to know if this programme is right for you or your organisation?

We’d love to hear from you.

Phone: 021 4658604 | 05 | 06

You may be eligible for CPD or other recognition for professional standards upkeeping. Contact UCC’s CPD Office for more information.

The Keynes Centre


University College Cork, Ireland,
