UCC Spin-out Company ProVascTec Accepted onto Creative Destruction Lab – Toronto Programme

UCC Spin-out Company ProVascTec has been accepted into the global startup program Creative Destruction Lab (CDL). Organised by the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, CDL is a nonprofit organization that delivers an objectives-based programme for massively scalable, seed-stage, science and technology-based companies.
CDL is tailored to seed-stage, science-based companies. Alumni companies have created over CAD$24 billion in equity value since the programme’s inception in 2012.
Speaking about ProVascTec’s acceptance onto the CDL programme, Noel Caplice, Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences in UCC, Cardiologist at Cork University Hospital, CSO & Co-founder of ProVascTec said: “The ProVascTec team are looking forward to participating in the prestigious Creative Destruction Lab programme. This opportunity will allow us to learn from and exchange ideas with like-minded start-ups and seed stage investors.”
ProVascTec is a device-driven cell therapy company, developing a revolutionary approach for treating patients suffering from critical limb ischemia. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), leading to blood vessel obstruction, are some of the most prevalent diseases in society today. There are 260 million PAD patients globally, with 40% of these developing Chronic Limb Ischemia (CLI), where blockages in an artery can lead to loss of limbs.
The company spun-out of UCC in 2023 and with scaling on the horizon, the ProVascTec team will be based out of UCC’s Gateway Innovation & Incubation Hub.
For more information about ProVascTec, visit https://provasctec.com/.