Science Foundation Ireland FINTECHNEXT Case Study
FINTECHNEXT is a multi-million euro, four-year collaborative research programme between University College Cork and Fexco, supported by Science Foundation Ireland.
FINTECHNEXT’s objective is to undertake collaborative research focussed on technological innovation in financial services that will have a significant impact on the economy and society.
Innovation has revolutionised how companies deliver financial services and products to consumers, whether online banking, frictionless commerce, parametric insurance and new investment opportunities like cryptocurrencies. FINTECHNEXT brings together expertise from academia and industry in information systems, finance and computer science to innovate financial services.
The FINTECHNEXT team is researching next-generation products and services intending to deliver a financial technology toolset that informs excellence in science and creates new intellectual property (IP) for potential commercialisation. By doing so, they are dedicated to disrupting three principal domains of the fintech industry:
1. Digital transactions,
2. Treasury and foreign exchange
3. Corporate asset administration.
The FINTECHNEXT consortium is part-funded by Science Foundation Ireland under their Strategic Partnership Programme and is coordinated by University College Cork (UCC).
Science Foundation Ireland have taken the decision to showcase the FINTECHNEXT project as an exemplar use case and partnership. This case study can be viewed here: SFI FINTECHNEXT Case Study.