The Benefits of Trees
Top 10 Benefits of Trees
- Social benefits- trees positively impact mental health and well-being, reducing stress and encouraging creativity, socialising and outdoor exercise.
- Improve biodiversity- trees provide food and shelter for many animals and plant species.
- Economic benefits- Homes with trees sell quicker and for more money.
- Medicines, food and wood- essential medicines such as Aspirin come from trees. They provide fruits and nuts and the critical material used in many aspects of human life, wood.
- Cultural benefits- trees often inspired the earliest Irish poets and are featured throughout Irish history and folklore.
- Flood mitigation- trees soak up rainwater, reducing runoff and damage from flooding.
- Carbon sequestration- trees capture and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
- Erosion control- trees provide a canopy that intercepts rainfall and roots that bind the soil together.
- Improve water quality- trees reduce sediment and nutrient pollution entering waterways.
- Temperature control- trees cool areas in the summer through shading and warm areas in the winter by reducing wind speeds.
Environmental Benefits of Trees
- Mitigation of air pollution
- Improvement in air quality
- Reduce stormwater flows and flooding
- Improvement in water quality
- Noise abatement
- Carbon sequestration
- Reduce urban ‘heat island’ effect
- Reduce local wind speeds
- Provision of shade and shelter
- Shelter and food for wildlife
- Wildlife micro-climates
- Habitat linkages
- Windbreaks storms and strong winds.
Social and Community Benefits of Trees
- Contribution to cultural and linguistic heritage
- Reduced Aggression and Violonce
- Reduced crime
- Strengthen community ties
- Amenities and local distinctiveness
- Sense of place and local landmarks
- Soften the urban landscape
- Outline the changing seasons
- Local recreation – places to play & rest beneath
- Mental and physical health and well-being
Economic Benefits of Trees
- Increase residential & commercial property values
- Reduce heating/cooling costs
- High return on investment
- Commercial benefits to businesses
- Support tourism
- Reduce energy bills
- Incraese home prices and rental rates
- Proivde reosucoyrses and firewood
- Promotes Food sceurity
- Reduced pressure on public health expenditure
Health Benefits
- Increased Concentration
- Reduced Stress
- Increased attention & self dicisplne
- Reduced Stress
- Reduced symptoms of ADD/ADHD
- Improve studunet performance
- Provides resources for medicinal products