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Registration Notification Schedule

You will be able to register online approximately 7 working days after your official results are available – please note you must wait for the email as per the schedule below regarding online registration and fee payment before you can complete your online registration and fee payment for the Academic Year. 

If you have a question on Registration or how to pay Fees, please check our helpful ASK page. Alternatively, submit your query using the web enquiry form.

Undergraduate Students who obtain pass result in Spring/Summer 2024

College/School Programme Registration Notification Date
Medicine & Health

MB BCh BAO 2, 3,4,5

BDS (Hons) Years 2,3,4,5

BDS (Hons) Graduate Entry  Years 2,3,4

Diploma in Dental Hygiene Year 2

Diploma in Dental Nursing (F/T) Year 2


BSc (Hons) Speech & Language Therapy Years 2,3,4


BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy Years 2,3,4


BSc (Hons) Public Health Sciences 2,3,4


BSc (Hons) (Medical and Health Sciences) 2,3,4

BSc (Hons) Nursing – Years 2,3 & 4


BSc (Hons) Nursing Children's & General (Integrated) Year 5


College of Business & Law - Law

All Programmes

  BCL (Hons) French, German & International 4 02-SEP-2024

College of Business & Law - Business

All Programmes

  BComm (Hons) International 4 02-SEP-2024
Food Science & Technology All Programmes 28-AUG-2024
Engineering & Architecture All Programmes 28-AUG-2024

BSc (Hons) Science Education 2, 3 & 4

BSc (Hons) Chemistry of Pharmaceutical Compounds 2, 3 & 4

  All other programmes 28-AUG-2024

Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences

BEd (Hons) Sport Studies & Physical Education 4 12-AUG-2024

All other programmes


BA (Hons) International Year 4


Students who receive examinations results after the Autumn Examination Boards

Programme Registration Notification Date
All Programmes

Please note you must wait for the email regarding online registration and fee payment before you can complete your online registration and fee payment for 2024/2045 Academic Year.

This email will be not issued until at least 7 working days after examination results become available.

Postgraduate Students who obtain pass result in Spring/Summer 2024

College/School Programme Latest Date of Registration Notification
Medicine & Health

MSc (Clinical Pharmacy) 2

MSc (MSc (Pharmaceutical Technology and Quality Systems) 2


MSc (Occupational Health) 2

MSc Nursing/Midwifery 2

Postgraduate Certificate/MSc (Older Person Rehabilitation) 2

Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma/MSc in Dementia 2

Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Clinical Trials

MSc (Audiology) 2

MSc (Healthcare Quality Improvement) 2

MSc (Hearing, Balance and Communication) 2

  All other programmes 03-SEP-2024
Business & Law All other programmes 03-SEP-2024
Science, Engineering & Food Science All programmes 03-SEP-2024
College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Professional Masters of Education/Art and Design Year 2 12-AUG-2024

Master of Social Work 2

MEd (Modular)

  All other programmes 03-SEP-2024

Student Records and Examinations Office

Taifid na Mac Léinn agus Scrúduithe

First Floor West Wing, University College Cork, Co. Cork, T12 K8AF

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