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SEFS Graduate of the Year Award

At a glance

  • Value: €2000/ €1000
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to


A specially commissioned prize and €2000 will be presented annually to the most outstanding SEFS student of the year with an additional prize of €1000 for the runner up. The SEFS Undergraduate Scholarships Committee will make arrangements for the judging of the awards.

Eligibility and Selection 
  • The top student in each final degree programme in SEFS will be identified and awarded a certificate and will be eligible to apply for the SEFS Graduate of The Year Award;
  • The award is confined to students who have graduated during the preceding session in SEFS with a minimum qualifying standard of First Class Honours;
  • If the UCC Graduate of the Year is a graduate from the College of SEFS s/he should not be excluded from consideration;
  • The general level of extracurricular activities in science/engineering related areas may also be taken into consideration;
  • Intercalated BSc (Hons) Degree graduates are eligible for the award.


Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
