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The UCC Pathology Undergraduate Medal

At a glance

  • Value: Medal
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to


Two medals will be offered annually upon completion of the *third year of study, one for medical students and one for dental students.  

*For students in the Dental (non EU Graduate Entry) programme the medal is offered upon completion of the second year of study. 

The three highest scoring students in the combined results for Pathology [first sitting of examinations in FM2004 and FM3005/PM3009] will be invited to participate in an Oral Examination, purely for the purpose of determining the winner of the UCC Pathology Medal. This Oral Examination is not part of the Third Medical/Third Dental/Second Dental (non EU Graduate Entry) Examination. 

 Where marks are tied, more than three students may be invited. 

 A medal may not be awarded unless high merit has been shown. 

 The successful student must fulfil the following criteria: 

1. The medal will be called the UCC Pathology Undergraduate Medal. 

2. The standard is sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the Academic Council. 

3. The successful candidate will have  completed three* years and the requirements set down by the University. 

*For students in the Dental (non EU Graduate Entry) programme the medal is offered upon completion of the second year of study. 

4. Students eligible to receive these awards  will be registered third year medical and  dental* students who have successfully taken the examinations in each relevant module at first attempt.

*Students in the Dental (non EU Graduate Entry) programme will be registered in the second year of the programme. 

5. Funding for the award will come from the Department of Pathology, UCC.



Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
