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The Charles Donovan Prize In Dermatology

At a glance

  • Value: Medal and prize money
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this prize
  • Questions about this prize can be directed to


Charles Donovan was born in Calcutta in 1863. In 1879, he was sent to live with his grandfather in Ireland and later became a student at the Queen's College, Cork. In 1891, he received a commission in the Indian Medical Service developing a particular interest in tropical diseases. In 1903 he described the causative agent of kala-azar, later known as the "Leishman-Donovan" body and, in 1905 he reported his findings on granuloma inguinale ("Donovanosis"). Charles Donovan was a student of this University who went on to receive international recognition in describing two diseases exhibiting cutaneous manifestations, and the School of Medicine considers him a most suitable person to be associated with this prize.

The prize will be awarded as follows:

  • Students in the Fourth Year of the Medical Programme at University College Cork are eligible for the prize.
  • As part of the continuous assessment of module CP4007, all students are required to take an MCQ examination in Dermatology.
  • The four highest scoring students in this MCQ examination each year will be invited to participate in an Oral examination, purely for the purpose of determining the winner of the Charles Donovan Prize (this Oral Examination is not part of the Fourth Medical Examination).

The prize consists of:

  • The Charles Donovan Medal, struck each year and awarded to the winner of the prize.
  • A monetary prize that will be presented as a single, one-off payment to the winner of the Prize at the School Prize-Giving Ceremony each year.

The Charles Donovan Prize is donated by the Department of Medicine (Dermatology), South Infirmary/Victoria University Hospital, for which the School of Medicine, University College Cork is very grateful.


Note: These awards are funded from endowments made by the respective donors to the University for awards to be made in perpetuity. The funds donated are invested, and the annual income is the amount available for the award. Due to fluctuation in the investment market, the amounts available from year to year may vary, upwards and downwards; for this reason, the value of any award referred to in this section is indicative only, and may be higher or lower when the amount of the award is completed.

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
