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The Gaffney Prize

At a glance

  • Value: €250 and a Medal
  • You must be a current UCC Student in the School of Medicine to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to


An undergraduate prize in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine has been established in honour of Dr. Desmond Gaffney, former Chairman, Department of Anaesthesia, Cork University Hospital. 

The Gaffney prize is awarded in Final Med, however to be eligible, one must choose a research topic in 3rd Med/GEM2 that is:

  1. on a subject substantially related to anaesthesiology, perioperative medicine, pain management or critical care medicine.
  2. undertaken under the supervision of a consultant anaesthesiologist, consultant intensivist or pain management specialist.

The Gaffney Prize will be awarded to the student who obtains the highest mark in the Anaesthesiology section of the mandatory Research Report component of Final Year Module MX5091: Research Project and Elective Practice.

The Prize will consist of €250 and a medal. The Gaffney Prize is sponsored by the Anaesthesia Research and Education Fund.

No student will be eligible to win the Gaffney Prize on more than one occasion.

Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Scholarship (HHS) competition in Anaesthesiology

The marks awarded for the literature search component of the above research project submitted in Third Year/GEM2 which meet these criteria (I and II above) will also be used to select the School's nominees for the national Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Scholarship competition in Anaesthesiology. The School's nominees (selected based on their Literature reviews completed in Third Year/GEM2) will sit the HHS exam the following year, after completing their Year 4/GEM3 clinical rotations.



Scholarships and Prizes

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