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The Harting Scholar

At a glance

  • Value: fees, travel expenses and subsistance
  • You must be studying English at a Dutch university to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to


A place will be offered annually at University College Cork to a student of English from one of the Dutch universities.

  1. This student will be called the Harting Scholar and will be attached to the Language Centre, a constituent part of the School of Language and Literature.
  2. The Harting Scholar will be allowed to choose one or more courses at undergraduate or postgraduate level from the programmes offered by the School of Language and Literature and/or the Departments of History and Modern Irish and cognate departments in the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences.
  3. The fees will be waived for the Harting Scholar.
  4. He/she will be prepared to teach and assist in examining Dutch as required by UCC with a maximum of four hours of weekly teaching.
  5. The Harting Scholar must have attended a three-day instruction course, which is held every year in May, especially for the twenty-six or so Harting Scholars who are going to teach Dutch at universities in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
  6. Travel expenses and subsistence will be arranged by the Harting Committee.



Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
