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The John Sisk Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Civil Engineering

At a glance

  • Value: €20,000 per annum for three consecutive years
  • You must be an engineering graduate to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering or


John Sisk & Son Ltd., have funded this scholarship to promote university research in the area of civil engineering construction.

The scholarship shall be subject to the following conditions of award and tenure:

  • The award shall be known as "The John Sisk Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Civil Engineering".
  • The scholarship, which is currently valued at c. €20,000 and tenable at University College Cork, shall be awarded to a civil or structural engineering graduate to support full-time postgraduate studies in the area of structural design or civil engineering construction.
  • The holder of the scholarship shall be required to register for a full-time postgraduate study under the supervision of a member of academic staff specialising in structural design or civil engineering construction.
  • If the holder of the scholarship registers for a PhD then the scholarship will run for three consecutive years and the award will not be advertised again until after completion of three years of PhD study by the scholarship holder subject to progress of the research work being to the satisfaction of the Head of the Discipline of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering.
  • Applications, comprising a curriculum vitae, the name of two referees and a carefully documented research proposal, must be submitted to the Head of the Discipline of Civil and Environmental Engineering by 31st May each year.
  • The applications shall be considered by a Board comprising the Head of School and the Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The award shall be made by the Academic Council on the recommendation of this Board.
  • The division of the stipend between living expenses, travel and equipment shall also be recommended by the Board.

Deadline for applications: 31st May 2023

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
