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The Rick and Rebecca Riordan Postgraduate Scholarship in Modern Irish

At a glance

  • Value: Fee waiver for up to two students (at EU Fees level) for the duration of the MA in Modern Irish
  • You must be a graduate of UCC and registered for the MA in Modern Irish to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to Dr Ailbhe NĂ­ Ghearbhuigh


The Rick and Rebecca Riordan Postgraduate Scholarship in Modern Irish will be offered to graduates of UCC who pursue a masters programme in Modern Irish in UCC.

The award is at the discretion of the Department of Modern Irish and will only be made to a student registered for the MA in Irish with an exceptional academic record in Irish.

This Scholarship was endowed by Rick and Rebecca Riordan. Rick Riordan is the author of the Percy Jackson series and he completed a Masters in Gaelic Literature at UCC in 2021.

Eligibility to apply

No application form is required. Applicants will be assessed after registration for the MA in Modern Irish (by the 1st August of the given year).


Applicants will be assessed after registration for the MA in Modern Irish (by the 1st August of the given year). The scholarship will be awarded to a UCC graduate on the basis of their academic record in Irish.


The above conditions may vary and will be reviewed annually.


Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
