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New Avenues to Teaching (NAT) PATH 1 Bursary

At a glance

  • Value: The bursaries are competitive and the amount given is needs based and may include funding for fees and/or placement bursaries
  • You must must be enrolled or have been offered a place on an initial teacher education programme at UCC to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to or



UCC’s Project under the HEA’s Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH)

open for applications from 12 noon on Friday 11th October and close on Friday 20th December.



Professional Master of Education

Professional Master of Education (Art and Design)

BEd Sports Studies and Physical Education

BSc Science Education

BEd Gaeilge

What is PATH?

The Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH) fund Strand One aims to improve Equity of Access to Initial Teacher Education. The PATH programme is aimed at:

·         Students with a disability

·         Students from the Irish Traveller community

·         Students from ethnic minorities

·         Students from target socio-economic groups

·         Mature students (students who are progressing into postgraduate study from the Mature student access pathway)

·         Students who are lone parents


Here in the School of Education, University College Cork, we are interested in supporting students through their initial teacher education programme. As one element of our New Avenues to Teaching Programme, the School of Education is delighted to announce bursaries to qualifying applicants from the above areas.


A number of bursaries are available for students currently on our Initial Teacher Education programmes. These bursaries could include:

  • Fee or partial-fee bursaries
  • Support towards costs of placement (e.g. travel costs)
  • Assistive technology support
  • Additional supports


Next Steps for those who qualify under one or more of the Eligibility Categories

  • Complete the SAF application form here:  When completing this form, you will be automatically brought through the NAT application process if you fall under one of the applicable teacher training programmes above.
  • Attach supporting evidence for your target grouping as indicated on the NAT support guide
  • All sections of the form must be completed. 

You may also be required to attend for interview as part of the assessment process.


Further Queries

The Student Assistance Fund website ( provides further information on eligibility and the application process. Please read the information contained therein as it should answer most queries that potential applicants may have.

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
