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The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarships and Prizes (including Nursing and Midwifery)

At a glance

  • Value: €1,000, medals
  • You must be a current Student to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to

The Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Literary and Medical Scholarships and Prizes are among the oldest awards to be offered for competition by the NUI. First established in 1888 following a bequest from the estate of Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart, these awards were initially made by the Royal University of Ireland until its dissolution in 1908 and were then continued by the NUI. Under the terms of the trust it was provided that two-thirds of the income be allocated for the provision of medical scholarships and one-third for the provision of literary scholarships.

Students cannot apply directly to NUI for these awards. Nominations are made by Faculties, Schools and Departments.

 The NUI Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarships and Prizes are offered in a range of subject areas and disciplines across Medicine, Nursing and Midwifery, and Health Sciences.

The participating NUI institutions include UCD, UCC, NUI Galway, RCSI and St Angela’s College, Sligo; also included are overseas campuses linked to NUI institutions, including RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus, RCSI Bahrain and Perdana University (RCSI).

The awards offered in clinical subject areas are based on specially set examinations taken by medical students nominated by each of the Medical Schools. The awards in Nursing and Midwifery and other Health Sciences are based on the submission of examination materials of students and nominations by Faculties, Schools and Departments.

Medicine and Health Sciences

  1. Anaesthesia
  2. Anatomy
  3. Biochemistry
  4. Clinical Radiology
  5. Dentistry*
  6. Diagnostic Imaging*
  7. General Practice
  8. Gynaecology & Obstetrics
  9. Medical Microbiology
  10. Medicine
  11. Occupational Therapy*
  12. Ophthalmology
  1. Paediatrics
  2. Pathology
  3. Pharmacology
  4. Pharmacy*
  5. Physiology
  6. Physiotherapy*
  7. Podiatry
  8. Psychiatry
  9. Public Health
  10. Speech and Language Therapy*
  11. Surgery
* Medals are awarded for First and Second place only in these subjects. 

Nursing and Midwifery

  1. Midwifery
  2. General Nursing


Three additional Scholarships and Prizes in Nursing and Midwifery are offered on a rotational basis, as follows:

  1. Children’s Nursing*
  2. Intellectual Disability Nursing*
  3. Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing


* Medals are awarded for First and Second place only in these subjects.

In 2020, the Scholarship and Prizes will be awarded in Mental Health Nursing.

To find out more visit:

NUI Awards Ceremony 2022

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
