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Year Publication

Drennan J, Duffield C, Scott AP, Ball J, Brady NM, Murphy A, Dahly D, Savage E, Corcoran P, Hegarty J, Griffiths P. (2018) A protocol to measure the impact of intentional changes to nurse staffing and skill-mix in medical and surgical wards. Journal of Advanced Nursing.


Griffiths P, Ball J, Drennan J, Dall’Ora C, Jones J, Maruotti A, Pope C, Recio Saucedo A, Simon. (2016) Nurse staffing and patient outcomes: Strengths and limitations of the evidence to inform policy and practice. A review and discussion paper based on evidence reviewed for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Safe Staffing guideline development. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 63:213-225. 


Recio-Saucedo A, Pope C, Dall'Ora C, Griffiths P, Jones J, Crouch R, Drennan J (2015) Safe staffing for nursing in emergency departments: evidence review. Emergency Medical Journal. 32:888-894.

2015 Drennan J, Recio-Saucedo A, Pope C, Crouch R, Jones J, Dall'Ora C, Griffiths P (2015) Safe Staffing in Accident and Emergency Departments: Evidence Review. National Institute for Care and Health Excellence (NICE), London
2014 Griffiths P., Ball J., Drennan J., James L., Jones J., Recio-Saucedo A., Simon M. (2014) The Association Between Patient Safety Outcomes and Nurse/Healthcare Assistant Skill Mix and Staffing Levels and Factors that May Influence Staffing Requirements. National Institute for Care and Health Excellence (NICE), London.

Simon M., Ball J., Drennan J., Jones J., Recio-Saucedo A., Griffiths P. (2014) Effectiveness of Management Approaches and Organisational Factors on Nurse Sensitive Outcomes. National Institute for Care and Health Excellence (NICE), London.


Butler M, Collins R, Drennan J, Halligan P, O'Mathúna DP, Schultz TJ, Sheridan A, Vilis E. Hospital nurse staffing models and patient and staff-related outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2011), Issue 7. Art. No.: CD007019.

School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Group

Programme of Research into Safe Nurse Staffing and Skill-Mix
