Literature and Links
Relevant literature and links
- Petrlik et al. 2019. Persistent Organic Pollutants in Eggs: Report from Africa. This study investigated POPs contamination in eggs produced by free-ranging hens at six sites in Africa, including an e-waste facility. Eggs represent an important human exposure pathway through consumption. The key findings of this study are: High levels of POPs were found at all six sites
- ‘Plastic & Health: The Hidden Costs of a Plastic Planet’ (2019). Despite being one of the most pervasive materials on the planet, plastic and its impact on human health is poorly understood. Yet exposure to plastic are expanding into new areas of the environment and food chain as existing plastic products fragment into smaller particles and concentrate toxic chemicals. As plastic production increases, this exposure will only grow.
- ‘Weak Controls: European E-Waste Poisons Africa’s Food Chain’ (2019). This article examines POP concentrations in eggs.
- World Economic Forum: A New Circular Vision For Electronics (2019). This review examines current e-waste trends and existing options to recycle e-waste in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way.
- Perkins et al. 2014. E-waste: A Global Hazard. Waste from end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment, known as e-waste, is a rapidly growing global problem. E-waste contains valuable materials that have an economic value when recycled. Unfortunately, the majority of e-waste is recycled in the unregulated informal sector and results in significant risk for toxic exposures to the recyclers, who are frequently women and children.
- Guardian Newspaper Article 2013. “Africa will not be Europe’s digital dumping ground, says Leaders”. African countries demand tougher laws to end influx of electronic waste amid renewed concerns over toxic components.