Creative & Performing Arts Retention & Discontinuation Document
To retain the Scholarship throughout the programme of study recipients must:
a) Meet the progression requirements of the programme of study.
b) Successfully pass the Annual Review Process and the specific Review Processes referred to in Appendix 1.
c) Attend the required Quercus events each academic year. These events will be communicated to Scholars by the Quercus Programme.
d) Fulfil, where required ambassadorial duties deemed appropriate, e.g. at RDS Higher Options and UCC Open Days.
e) Agree to and abide by the Quercus Terms of Reference and Memorandum of Understanding.
f) Act as ambassadors of the University and the Quercus Programme and behave in an appropriate and respectful manner at all times, aligned to the provisions of the UCC Student Rules and UCC’s Graduate Attributes and Values.
g) Demonstrate active engagement with the Quercus Programme.
h) The Scholar must annually complete the Quercus Programme End of Year Scholar Statement and Impact Form (Appendix 3). The Impact information from this may then be used when communicating with past, current and potential donors. It may also be used publicly by UCC and the Quercus Programme via their publications, websites and social media channels.
i) Fulfil any specific retention requirements stipulated by the Quercus programme manager.
Discontinuation of Quercus Creative & Performing Arts’ Scholarship
Discontinuation of a Quercus Creative & Performing Arts’ Scholarship may occur where a Scholar is deemed no longer eligible, including where:
a) A Scholar withdraws from the University.
b) A Scholar has failed to pass the annual review.
c) A Scholar is found to be in breach of the Student Rules.
d) A Scholar does not meet the agreed progression requirements of the programme of study.
e) A Scholar is found to be in breach of the Quercus Terms of Reference.
f) A Scholar is judged not to meet the criteria set out in section 1 above (Retention).
Discontinuation Outside of Annual Review
Decisions to discontinue Quercus Scholarships may occur outside of the annual review process. Examples for discontinuation are listed in, but not limited to, the scholarships Terms and Conditions document. Where it is brought to the attention of the Quercus Programme that a Scholar may no longer be eligible, the Review Group (see Appendix 1) will be asked to convene to make a decision regarding the student’s eligibility to continue as a Quercus Scholar. Scholars wishing to appeal the decision to discontinue a Quercus Scholarship should refer to the appeal process that is detailed in Appendix 2.
Appendix 1: Annual Review Process
a) An appropriate Review Group (“The Group”) will be established.
b) The Group will receive annual progress reports for each Scholar, compiled by the Programme Manager, made up of the scholar’s End of Year Statement and Impact Form and also, where required, additional information from sources such as the School of Film, Music and Theatre and/or other relevant academic departments, mentors, UCC professional services and other associated parties.
c) The annual review may include a discussion with the Quercus Creative & Performing Arts’ Scholar where required, with the Quercus programme manager.
d) The Group will determine if the Quercus Creative & Performing Arts’ Scholar has fulfilled the terms and conditions of membership, in particular relating to creative & performing progress, academic progression and engagement with the Programme.
e) Scholars who, in the opinion of the Group, have not fulfilled the conditions of membership, will be informed of this in writing, and will be invited to attend a meeting with the Review Group.
f) Following that meeting there are two possible outcomes;
(f1) – the student remains on the programme,
(f2) – the student is exited from the programme.
g) Scholars who are exited will be notified of their right to appeal the decision of the Group, the procedure for lodging an appeal and the time limit for lodging an appeal.
h) A written record of the review meeting process shall be kept and submitted to the Appeals Committee where an appeal arises.
Appendix 2: Annual Review Appeals Procedures
Quercus Creative & Performing Arts’ Scholars may appeal a decision of the Review Group to the Appeals Committee on specified grounds, see c) below.
a) The Appeals Procedure is not available to Scholars that have withdrawn from the University; or Scholars that have been suspended or excluded from the University.
b) An appeal may be made to the Appeals Committee within 10 working days from the date of issue of the Review Group’s decision.
c) Appeals may be made on the following grounds:
• New evidence: Information directly relevant to the decision, which for good reason was not available to the Review Group.
• Procedural irregularity: There is evidence that the procedures relating to a decision were not followed properly, which may have impacted on the Review Group’s decision.
d) The Student Appeals Committee may:
• Uphold the Appeal.
• Reject the Appeal.
Appendix 3: End of Year Statement and Impact Form
Please find an exam of a Quercus Creative & Performing Arts' End of Year Statement Form 2025 here.