Run on
by Jenni deBie
Right-left right-left
Round and kick round and kick
Right-left right-left
Stomp stomp clap
Stomp stomp
Clap your hands and stomp your
Feet in iambic penatm—
Meters to a race—or are they
Yards to play in when we were
Young and beautiful and
Worth the hassle of living in the
City people are just so
Different eyes see different
Skies pierced with stars that
Burn on the darkest night of the
Year-long sojourn to Ireland for
Degrees of separation between the most distant
People who know how to enjoy
Life shouldn’t be taken too seriously; we all get out the same
waaaay too much liquor in my system to make any kind of good
Decision’s easy:
Will you dance
or won’t you?