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Research Sponsors:

Science Foundation Ireland

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Brookhaven National Laboratory

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Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

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Department of Energy

Office of Basic Energy Science logo

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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Office of Naval Research

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University of St. Andrews

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CCMR, Cornell University

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Kavli Institute at Cornell

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Educational Research Centre




Prof. Boebinger, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Dr. Bozovic, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Prof. Eckstein, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dr. Eisaki, AIST (Japan)
Prof. Golden, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Dr. Gu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Prof. Luke, McMaster University (Canada)
Prof. Mackenzie, Max Planck Institute (Germany)
Prof. McEuen, Cornell University
Prof. Petrovic, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Prof. Sachdev, Harvard University
Prof. Schlom, Cornell University
Prof. Shen, Cornell University
Prof. Takagi, Max Planck Institute (Germany)
Prof. Uchida, University of Tokyo (Japan)
Dr. Valla, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Related Research Labs: 

Dr. Tien-Ming Chuang, Academia Sinica (Taiwan, Research Fellow) 
Prof. Jenny Hoffman, Harvard University 
Prof. Eric Hudson, Penn. State University 
Prof. Kristine Lang, Colorado College
Prof. Jhinhwan Lee, KAIST 
Prof. Christian Lupien, Universite de Sherbrooke
Prof. Vidya Madhavan, Boston College 
Prof. Kyle McElroy, University of Colorado Boulder
Prof. Shuheng Pan, University of Houston
Prof. Minoru Yamashita, Kyoto University 
Prof. Philip Anderson, Princeton Univerisity
Dr. Alexander Balatsky, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Prof. Dmitri Basov, UC San Diego 
Dr. Ivan Bozovic, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Prof. Sudip Chakravarty, UCLA
Dr. Juan Campuzano, Argonne National Laboratory 
Prof. Piers Coleman, Rutgers University 
Prof. Andrei Chubukov, University of Wisconsin Madison 
Prof. Pengcheng Dai, University of Tennessee in Knoxville 
Prof. Andrea Damascelli, UBC 
Prof. Daniel Dessau, Univ. of Colorado Boulder 
Prof. Hong Ding, Beijing National Laboratory for Cond. Matt. Phys. 
Prof. Martin Greven, University of Minnesota
Prof. Peter Hirschfeld, University of Florida 
Prof. Matthew Fisher, UCSB 
Prof. Øystein Fisher, University of Geneva 
Dr. Peter Johnson, Brookhaven National Laboratory 
Dr. Adam Kaminski, Ames National Laboratory
Prof. Aharon Kapitulnik, Stanford University
Prof. Bernhard Keimer, Max Planck Institute
Prof. Steve Kivelson, Stanford University
Prof. Dung-Hai Lee, UC Berkeley
Prof. Patrick Lee, MIT 
Prof. Gilbert Lonzarich, University of Cambridge 
Dr. Mike Norman, Argonne National Laboratory 
Prof. Phuan Ong, Princeton University
Prof. Joe Orenstein, UC Berkeley 
Prof. Subir Sachdev, Harvard University
Prof. Alain Sacuto, Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques
Prof. Todadri Senthil, MIT
Prof. Zhi-Xun Shen, Stanford University
Prof. Louis Taillefer, Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. John Tranquada, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Prof. Chandra Varma, UC Riverside
Prof. Thomas Vojta, Missouri University Science and Technology
Prof. Xiao-Gang Wen, MIT
Prof. Ali Yazdani, Princeton University 
Prof. Jan Zaanen, Universiteit LeidenProf. Shoucheng Zhang, Stanford University

Macroscopic Quantum Matter

Room 322, 3rd floor, School of Physics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland,
