Pilot Learning Neighbourhoods
Ballyphehane, Knoacknaheeny, Mayfield & Togher
Based on the success of the Lifelong Learning Festival, the model for the Learning Neighbourhoods programme aims to localise Learning City initiatives into neighbourhoods, to celebrate and showcase the amazing learning that is already happening in neighbourhoods in Cork and to develop new opportunities for lifelong learning.
During 2016 two neighbourhoods in Cork were chosen to pilot the project, Ballyphehane in the south of the city, and Knocknaheeny in the north of the city. Both neighbourhoods have strong and active community and education organisations and networks and the pilot involved participation from local education networks, community centres, schools, senior centres, health groups, youth groups, to mention but a few.
We have had a fantastic year with many activities and programmes to showcase and develop lifelong learning opportunities in these communities and to develop new partnerships. Some of the activities that took place throughout the year included a UCC Neighbourhood Lecture Series, participation in ACE's 'The Free University', a Faces of Learning Photographic Exhibition, 'How to Build a Learning Neighbourhood' collaborative arts project in Ballyphehane, and STEAM education programme in Knocknaheeny. The pilot year was celebrated at a Lord Mayor's Reception at the end of November in the Council Chamber, Cork City Hall where the beautiful Faces of Learning exhibition was also officially launched.
For 2017 Learning Neighbourhoods will continue to work with Ballyphehane and Knocknaheeny as well as welcoming Mayfield and Togher to the programme. To find out more about our pilot year you can read the Learning Neighbourhoods Pilot Programme Review Document which can be found here Learning Neighbourhoods Pilot Review. We look forward to another exciting year ahead!
Contact the Learning Neighbourhoods Team
- You can contact the Learning Neighbourhoods Programme Coordinator Jennifer Walsh at: learningneighbourhoods@ucc.ie