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Dr Barry Boland

Neurodegenerative disorders and lysosomal storage diseases


Dr Barry Boland 

Inside all of our cells, waste products are packaged into acidic organelles known as lysosomes, which contain specialised enzymes that degrade cellular waste. Impaired processing (flux) of cellular waste through the endosomal-autophagic-lysosomal system of cells is a central feature of lysosomal storage diseases. Impaired  lysosomal flux is evident in many neurodegenerative diseases across the entire age spectrum; from childhood neurodegenerative conditions that occur in lysosomal storage diseases, to late-onset conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Our goal is to identify cellular biomarkers of impaired lysosomal flux and develop therapies that can restore their function, thus enabling early diagnosis and new treatments for these diseases.

I welcome enquires from students interested in discussing MSc or PhD opportunities and post-doctoral researchers wishing to join the research group. If you have ideas for collaborations on existing work or would like to discuss your own research interests then there are a number of PhD studentships, Postdoctoral fellowships and other funding schemes available which I am more than happy to discuss this with you in the first instance by email

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
