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2023 Publications

1. Maternal pre-eclampsia serum increases neurite growth and mitochondrial function through a potential IL-6-dependent mechanism in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells'
Aaron Barron, Samprikta Manna, Colm J. McElwain, Andrea Musumeci, Fergus P. McCarthy, Gerard W. O'Keeffe, Cathal McCarthyFrontiers in Physiology, 2023, 13;


2. Heterogenous Differences in Cellular Senescent Phenotypes in Pre-Eclampsia and IUGR following Quantitative Assessment of Multiple Biomarkers of Senescence'
Samprikta Manna, Colm J. McElwain, Gillian M Maher, Marta Gillian Martin, Andrea Musumeci, Fergus P. McCarthy, Cathal McCarthy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(4),


3. A proteomic profile of the healthy human placenta'
Manna S Scheel,  J Noone A, McElwain CJ, Scaife C, Gupta S;English J, McCarthy C, McCarthy FP.  Clinical Proteomics, 20 (1);   


4. Neprilysin-dependent neuropeptide Y cleavage in the liver promotes fibrosis by blocking NPY-receptor 1

Ortiz C, Klein S, Reul WH, T Walther , et al. Published online ahead of print, 2023 Jan 31. Cell Rep. 2023;42(2)


5. Identifying the core concepts of pharmacology education: A global initiative

White, P.J., Guilding, C., Angelo, T., Kelly, J.P., Gorman, L.… Kelly-Laubscher R…Tucker, S.J., Fun, A., Han, J., Chen, G., Samak, Y. and Babey, A.M., 2023. Identifying the core concepts of pharmacology education: A global initiative. British Journal of Pharmacology180(9), pp.1197-1209.


6. Evaluation of Cytotoxic Activity of Epigenetic Drugs in Oesophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Cassidy, Róisín M., Sharon L. McKenna, and Órla P. Barry. "Evaluation of Cytotoxic Activity of Epigenetic Drugs in Oesophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma." European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 5.2 (2023): 25-36.


7. Estrogen modulation of cortical spreading depression

Kudo C, Harriott AM, Moskowitz MA, Waeber C, Ayata C. "Estrogen modulation of cortical spreading depression", Journal of Headache and Pain, May 2023, 26;24(1):62


8. Siponimod as a novel inhibitor of retinal angiogenesis: in vitro and in vivo evidence of therapeutic efficacy

Alshaikh RA, Zaki RGE, Salah El Din RA, Ryan KB, Waeber C. “Siponimod as a novel inhibitor of retinal angiogenesis: in vitro and in vivo evidence of therapeutic efficacy.” The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, JPET-AR-2022-001529. 15 May. 2023


9. The 5-HT1F receptor as the target of ditans in migraine — from bench to bedside

 Mitsikostas, D.D., Waeber, C., Sanchez-del-Rio, M. et al. The 5-HT1F receptor as the target of ditans in migraine — from bench to bedside. Nat Rev Neurol (2023).


10.  The impact of fingolimod on Treg function in brain ischaemia

 Malone, K., Shearer, J.A., Waeber, C. and Moore, A.C. (2023), The impact of fingolimod on Treg function in brain ischaemia. Eur. J. Immunol. 2350370


11. The synthetic TRPML1 agonist ML-SA1 rescues Alzheimer-related alterations of the endosomal-autophagic-lysosomal system

Somogyi A, Kirkham ED, Lloyd-Evans E, Winston J, Allen ND, Mackrill JJ, Anderson KE, Hawkins PT, Gardiner SE, Waller-Evans H, Sims R, Boland B, O'Neill C. The synthetic TRPML1 agonist ML-SA1 rescues Alzheimer-related alterations of the endosomal-autophagic-lysosomal system. J Cell Sci. 2023 Mar 15;136(6)


12. Ang II Promotes ET-1 Production by Regulating NOX2 Activity Through Transcription Factor Oct-1

Kamhieh-Milz J, Chen L, Goettsch C, Pfefferkorn AM, Hofmann A, Brunssen C, Müller GM, Walther T, Ashraf MI, Moll G, Morawietz H, Witowski J, Catar R. Ang II Promotes ET-1 Production by Regulating NOX2 Activity Through Transcription Factor Oct-1. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2023 Aug;43(8):1429-1440


13. Gut microbiota alterations promote traumatic stress susceptibility associated with p-cresol-induced dopaminergic dysfunctions

Laudani, Samuele. Moloney, Rachel. et al. “Gut microbiota alterations promote traumatic stress susceptibility associated with p-cresol-induced dopaminergic dysfunctions.” Brain, behavior, and immunity vol. 107 (2023): 385-396


14. Improving Translational Relevance in Preclinical Psychopharmacology (iTRIPP)

Bailey, Sarah J. Moloney, Rachel. et al. “Improving Translational Relevance in Preclinical Psychopharmacology (iTRIPP).” Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England), 2698811231182607. 31 Jul. 2023


15. Molecular neurobiology of loss: a role for basolateral amygdala extracellular matrix

Smail, Marissa A. Moloney, Rachel. et al. “Molecular neurobiology of loss: a role for basolateral amygdala extracellular matrix.” Molecular psychiatry, 10.1038/s41380-023-02231-8. 29 Aug. 2023


16. Matthew Amoni (March 13, 1991–October 3, 2022)'

Sipido, K. R., Willems, R., Claus, P., Mubagwa, K., Kelly-Laubscher, R., Katz, A. A., & Gwanyanya, A. (2023). Matthew Amoni (March 13, 1991–October 3, 2022). Heart Rhythm20(5), 793-794.


17.  Defining and unpacking the core concepts of pharmacology: A global initiative

Guilding, C.White, P. J.Cunningham, M., Kelly-Laubscher, R.Koenig, J.Babey, A.-M.Tucker, S.Kelly, J. P.Gorman, L.Aronsson, P.Hawes, M.Ngo, S. N. T.Mifsud, J.Werners, A. H.Hinton, T.Khan, F.Aljofan, M., & Angelo, T. (2023). Defining and unpacking the core concepts of pharmacology: A global initiativeBritish Journal of Pharmacology118


18. Role of nuclear factor kappa-B in TNF-induced cytoprotection

Kelly-Laubscher, R., Somers, S., Lacerda, L., & Lecour, S. Role of nuclear factor kappa-B in TNF-induced cytoprotection. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2023 May-Jun 23;34(2):74-80. 


19. L-ergothioneine reduces mitochondrial-driven NLRP3 activation in gestational diabetes mellitus

McElwain CJ;Musumeci A;Manna S;McCarthy FP;McCarthy CM; (2023) 'L-ergothioneine reduces mitochondrial-driven NLRP3 activation in gestational diabetes mellitus'. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 161


20. Developing an international concept-based curriculum for pharmacology education: The promise of core concepts and concept inventories.

 Guilding C, Kelly-Laubscher R, Netere A, Babey AM, Restini C, Cunningham M, Kelly JP, Koenig J, Karpa K, Hawes M, Tucker SJ, Angelo TA, White PJ. Developing an international concept-based curriculum for pharmacology education: The promise of core concepts and concept inventories. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2023


21.  Dementia research in Ireland: What should we prioritise?

Rogan C, Rock B, Begley E, Boland B, Brazil K, Diaz-Orueta U, Donnelly S, Foley M, Foley T, Hannigan C, Hopper L, Keogh F, Lawlor B, Leroi I, O'Neill C, O'Philbin L, Pertl M, Trépel D, Kennelly S. Dementia research in Ireland: What should we prioritise? HRB Open Res. 2023 Nov 2;6:12







Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Cógaseolaíocht agus Teiripic

Room 2.36B, 2nd floor floor, T12XF62
