Academic Staff - part time
Dr. Mary Hayes
A medical graduate of University College Dublin. Trained in Hammersmith Hospital, London, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, and Glasgow. Research interests are in oral pathology and gynaecological pathology. Coordinates the oral pathology section of the undergraduate dental course.
Position: Statutory lecturer (part time) and Consultant Histopathologist
Dr. Margot Bolster
A medical graduate of Trinity College Dublin. Trained in Cork. Acquired specialist forensic pathology training in Edinburgh.
Position: Statutory lecturer (Forensic Medicine) part-time
Prof. Louise Burke
A medical graduate of National University of Ireland, Galway. Trained in UCH Galway and Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe. Further residency and research fellowships in Maryland, U.S. and Caen, France. Research interests include Cardiothoracic Pathology.
Position: Clinical Professor, University College Cork, Senior Lecturer in Pathology, University College Cork and Consultant Histopathologist, Cork University Hospital.