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UCC Events

UCC Open Day & UCC Events 2015-2016


UCC Open Day

The next Open Day will be held on Saturday 10th October 2015 and will commence with a Welcome from UCC's Vice-President for Teaching and Learning. Our Open Day offers you the perfect opportunity to find out all you need to know about University College Cork. You can register to attend the day here: October Open Day Registration

The Open Day will include a wide range of presentations on all degree programmes, tours and information stands covering all disciplines. Talks are repeated throughout the day so you won't miss out on a thing. You will be able to plan your day in advance by downloading a timetable from this page, which will be available in the coming weeks. Some Open Day features include:

  • talks from the Heads of each College in UCC
  • presentations on all degree programmes, degree streams and subjects
  • tours of campus, labs and facilities, the Mardyke Sports Arena
  • information stands across the campus where you can meet staff and students
  • talks on careers in broad subject areas/disciplines, about finance and grants, applying to HEAR and DARE, a talk for parents, A-Level Applicants and FETAC applicants
  • a range of presentations and discussions forums for those considering applying as mature students to UCC

Email with any queries.


UCC Events



UCC Career Events 2015-2016 

Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Eolaíocht Cheirde agus Teiripe Shaothair

Ground Floor, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, College Road, Cork, Ireland.
