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Recent & Upcoming Events

Occupational Science Europe Conference in Bournemouth UK:  3 September 2015.

COTEC Annual Conference in Brighton UK: 30 June-2 July 2015.

AOTI Annual Conference in Galway: 27 & 28 March 2015.



Photo shoot with Ms. Joanne O'Riordan (who was born with the condition tetra-amelia syndrome) to mark World Occupational Therapy Day: 20 October 2015.

ENOTHE Annual Conference in Bulgaria: 22-24 October 2015.

World Occupational Therapy Day: 27 October 2015.

1st COTEC-ENOTHE Congress: 15-19 June 2016.



OS Conference: Sept 2013

OS Conference: 5th - 7th September 2013

Past Events

  • The Dept of Occupational Therapy held it's Annual Yr 1 Creative Exhibition in the Jennnings Gallery Brookfield UCC where 1st year students showcased their creative talents.  The theme this year is "The Art of Making".  The event made the Irish Times on 13th May 2014:
  • The Dept of Occupational Therapy was 10 years at UCC in 2013.  We marked the occasion with champagne & a birthday cake in Sept 2013 during the OS Conference and also in Dec 2013.
  • September 2013 - the Dept of Occupational Therapy held it's Annual Yr 1 Creative Exhibition in the Jennings Gallery Brookfield UCC where our 1st year students showcased their creative talents
  • May 2013 - the Dept of Occupational Therapy held it's Annual Yr 4 Research Poster Presentations where our 4th year students presented their research posters based on their final year research projects.
  • April 2013 – the Dept of Occupational Therapy ran a workshop on “working with people with dementia” which was facilitated by Ms. Mary McGrath (who is an Advanced OT Clinical Specialist at the Memory Clinic in Belfast).
  • The Dept of Occupational Therapy UCC honoured it’s First Head of Dept (Prof. Susan Ryan) and the late OT Manager (Mrs. Mary Coveney of Cork University Hospital) with a plaque ceremony (Jan 2013).  Each year we will award a student with The Susan Ryan Award (for professionalism, creativity & entrepreneurial abilities) and The Mary Coveney Award (for the highest mark while on practice education placement)

Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Eolaíocht Cheirde agus Teiripe Shaothair

Ground Floor, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, College Road, Cork, Ireland.
