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UCC CPD courses

Clinical Leadership for Healthcare Quality Improvement NU6306

Course Fact File
Duration6 weeks on-line
Teaching ModePart-Time. See Additional Teaching Mode Information for more info.
Fees€900 See Fees and Costs for full details.
Closing DateClosed for applications
Course Delivery MethodOnline

On-line. No Attendance.

Start DateClosed for applications


Module linked to MSc Quality Healthcare Improvement programme (On-line +MSc).

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Critically explore the concept of leadership and theoretical approaches to leadership and their application to clinical practice.
  • Identify and critically analyse core competencies required for contemporary clinical leadership in nursing.
  • Critically appraise methods and models of decision-making in clinical leadership.
  • Demonstrate critical awareness of team leadership and inter-professional communication in different health care contexts.
  • Identify and critically discuss the role of nurse leaders in quality improvement initiatives.
  • Demonstrate critical awareness of role of leadership in creation of a safe environment for patient/client care.
  • Identify and critically reflect on the role of nurse leaders in creating a motivating clinical environment, staff empowerment and advocacy.
  • Debate and appraise critical issues in meeting the needs of service users within the challenges of a dynamic political, social, technical, economic, organisational and professional environment.

Module Objective: To develop a critical understanding of the concept of clinical leadership in nursing and explore the key leadership knowledge, skills and competencies required by nurses for healthcare quality improvement.

Module Content: Theories of Leadership and their application to clinical nursing practice; core leadership competencies; models of nurse led decision-making; nurse led quality improvement and patient safety initiatives e.g. the productive ward/transforming care at the bed side (TCAB); clinical supervision; team leadership and inter-professional communication; motivating work environment, staff empowerment and advocacy; nursing leadership challenges in meeting the changing needs of service users in a dynamic political, social, technical, economic, organisational and professional environment.

Module Co-ordinator: Dr. Nicola Cornally, School of Nursing & Midwifery,    Tel No 021 490 1487

Lecturer(s): Staff, School of Nursing & Midwifery.

Additional Teaching Mode Information

Duration: 200hr(s) Other (Online Learning: Discussion Board Preparation and Participation, Required Reading, Assignment Preparation and Submission, Self-Directed Learning).

Assessment: Total Marks 200: Continuous Assessment 200 marks (2,000 word Essay -  120 marks; Online activities- 80 marks).

Compulsory Elements: Continuous Assessment.


Dates: 26th Aug- 7th Oct 2024 on-line module 

Dates are subject to slight changes

All On-line - No attendance


Module Name Module Code Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Requirement 4

Clinical Leadership for Healthcare Quality Improvement

NU6306 Applicants must be practising nurses with evidence of current registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) Evidence that registration with the NMBI will be complete by the proposed commencement date of the module; Applicants must provide evidence, a letter of support, that they will be working in a critical care environment (for a minimum of 19.5 hours/week); Applicants must provide a letter of support from their respective Director of Nursing and confirmation of having secured a clinical facilitator/preceptor for the duration of the module. Applicants for Nursing and Midwifery CPD modules whose main language is not English and who do not hold an up-to-date IELTS certificate showing the requisite Academic Board approved CM&H scores must demonstrate evidence of appropriate work experience within an English language environment for at least the previous 2 years. If you are applying with Qualifications obtained outside Ireland and you wish to verify if you meet the minimum academic and English language requirements for this programme please view the grades comparison table by country and for details of recognised English language tests.


Fees and Costs

The fee for this module is €900 which includes the €35 application fee payable on-line as detailed in How to Apply section.

How To Apply

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