Code | NU6304 |
Duration | October to November |
Teaching Mode | Part-Time. See Additional Teaching Mode Information for more info. |
Fees | €900 See Fees and Costs for full details. |
Closing Date | Currently closed for applications |
Course Delivery Method | Online |
Venue | Fully On-line. |
Credits | 10 |
Start Date | Currently closed for applications |
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Show an understanding of research integrity.
- Recognise suitable research problems and the resulting opportunities for research.
- Apply methods to search the literature showing an understanding of the most appropriate search resources to use.
- Investigate different research designs discriminating between approaches.
- Analyse research based evidence demonstrating skills in synthesising the literature.
- Summarise methods used for data analysis.
- Produce a Research Report.
Module Objective: To introduce students to research designs and methods and to facilitate the development of advanced knowledge of research information literacy resources. To equip students with the necessary skills required to appraise and synthesise research studies.
Module Content: Research integrity, advanced information literacy strategies, methodological approaches, research protocol development including ethical considerations, data handling (collection, coding, analysing and interpreting), systematic research appraisal and synthesis, academic writing.
Additional Teaching Mode Information
Duration from 7th October 2024 to 18th November 2024. Module fully on-line. Dates are subject to slight changes
On-line ; 200hr(s) Other (Online Learning; Discussion Board Preparation and Participation, Required Reading, Assignment Preparation and Submission, Self-Directed Learning).
Total Marks 200: Continuous Assessment 200 marks (2,000 word Accumulative Report -120 marks; Online activities- 80 marks).
Compulsory Elements: Continuous Assessment.
Applicants must satisfy the following to be eligible to apply:
- Applicants must be qualified healthcare professionals registered with the regulatory body in their country of residence.
- Applicants must have a primary honours degree (NFQ, Level 8) or equivalent.
- Applicants for NU6304 Advanced Research Methods Applied to Healthcare must have achieved a pass result in a postgraduate research methods module equivalent to NU6310 Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice for Quality Improvement in Healthcare (10 credits).
Note: In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not fulfil this entry requirement may be recommended for entry to the programme under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) following a review of their individual qualifications and experience by the programme committee. Some such applicants may be invited for an interview to satisfy the selection committee of their suitability for the programme. Admission to such applicants will be subject to the approval of the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
Technical Entry Requirements:
To access and interact with the programme content, assignments and assessments etc. students will require reliable broadband and access to at least a PC/Laptop running Windows 7 or later and Mac OSX 10.7.4. Common plug-ins such as Microsoft Silverlight, Java and Flash will also be required. Students must have access to MS Office or an equivalent suite of applications such as Libre Office. They must also have access to a modern standards-compliant web browser. UCC recommends either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. To engage productively and successfully with the content, basic technical computer skills such as familiarity with word processing, web browsing and email are recommended.
Fees and Costs
The fee for this module is €900 which includes the €35 application fee.
How To Apply
Currently closed for applications