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UCC CPD courses

Advanced Practice in Midwifery NU6154

Course Fact File
FeesÉ900 See Fees and Costs for full details.
Closing DateCLOSED
Start DateSem. 1 ; Sem. 2


Practice based identified lectures, tutorials, seminars, clinical placements involving observation of expert practice and instruction on clinical skills. Negotiated self-directed learning and guided clinical practice placements (1000 hrs).

Objective: To allow students to pursue in-depth, directed and supported learning in advanced midwifery practice applicable to their practice area. To facilitate the development of the students' clinical knowledge and practice competence towards practising at an advanced level within their area of practice. Specific focus will be on gaining competence in the core competencies for advanced midwifery practice i.e. autonomy in clinical practice, expert practice, professional and clinical leadership and research as well as gaining the identified clinical competence to practise in their own specific practice area at an advanced level.

Module Content: Knowledge, competencies and clinical skills for advanced practice in midwifery relevant to the specific practice area of the student. Specific knowledge and skills requirements will be negotiated on an individual practice area basis with the student their mentor and their employer/midwife manager within the framework and structure of the course record and assessment booklet. The major element of the programme will be substantial hours on clinical placement (1000 hrs) with significant amounts of time outside of the student's own practice area as required to fulfil the attainment of the objective of the module elements (as agreed under the site declaration form).

Additional Teaching Mode Information

No Formal Written Examination.

Completion of clinical practice hours (1000), documentation of theoretical and clinical learning and sign off of competencies within the learning record and competency assessment booklet by mentor, preceptors and course co-ordinator. The record and competency booklet will be assessed on a pass/fail basis.


Completion of clinical practice hours over at least 35 weeks and completion of learning record and competency assessment booklet.

Students, or applicants in receipt of an offer, taking certain modules will be subject to Garda Vetting as relevant. Students will be prohibited from engaging in a relevant work placement unless the vetting process has been cleared. Click here to view UCC's Student Garda Vetting Policy.

Why Choose

Application is by special request to the module co-ordinator.

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to assess women/clients, identify their health and social issues/needs and manage identified issues/needs at an advanced level within their practice area or identified scope of practice.
  • Demonstrate autonomy in midwifery practice at an advanced level within their practice area.
  • Demonstrate expert practice in the domains of midwifery as set out in the record and assessment of competency booklet.
  • Exercise professional and clinical leadership in advanced midwifery practice.
  • Engage in knowledge translation through research and scholarly activities for advanced midwifery practice.


Applicants must have a minimum of 7 years post-registration experience. The required experience must have been gained within the past 8 years with at least 5 years in the area in which advanced nursing or midwifery practice is being pursued. In addition, applicants must: (i) demonstrate continuous professional development and have completed a Master's degree; (ii) provide evidence of support from their employer and a completed Site Self-Declaration Form, signed by the Director of Nursing/Midwifery/Public Health/ authorised Nurse/Midwife Manager; (iii) provide nomination and confirmation of a designated medical practitioner mentor/and or Advanced Nurse or Midwife Practitioner mentor (completed Site Self-Declaration Form, signed by the Medical Practitioner/Advanced Nurse Practitioner Mentor) who will provide the student with supervision, support and learning opportunities including opportunities to practice under supervision to gain the required competencies and clinical competence to practice at an advanced level in nursing or midwifery. Applicants must contact their Director of Nursing/Midwifery/Public Health/authorised Nurse Manager to discuss the identified need for advanced nursing or midwifery practice in his/her practice area/organisation.

Fees and Costs

É900.00.  There is also an application fee of É35.00

How To Apply

Applications for this module are now closed.


Application is by special request to the module co-ordinator in the first instance.

Module Co-ordinator: Dr Rhona O'Connell, School of Nursing & Midwifery. 

NU6154 Site Declaration Declaration Form 2020 to be completed and uploaded.

  • To apply for this module please log on to the UCC APPLY page and create an account.  
  • Gather any additional documents required (including a passport-style photo), copy of your degree parchment if not a previous UCC graduate.
  • An application fee of €35 will be payable on submission of your application via the same platform.
  • For more information on registering online click   




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