Code | NU6145 |
Duration | Currently closed for applications |
Teaching Mode | Part-Time. See Additional Teaching Mode Information for more info. |
Fees | €900 See Fees and Costs for full details. |
Closing Date | Currently closed for applications |
Venue | Brookfield Health Sciences Complex. |
Credits | 10 |
Start Date | Currently closed for applications |
Module Objective: To facilitate an in-depth appreciation of the epidemiology, risk factors, development and detection of cancer, cancer treatments and inherent symptoms, from a professional nursing perspective.
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Examine the risk factors involved in developing a cancer diagnosis
- Critically discuss the incidence of cancer trends nationally and internationally
- Identify and critically review cancer proliferative growth patterns and spread of disease
- Critically explore the role of the nurse in identifying cancer symptoms and the effects of cancer and its treatment on the individual.
- Identify and critically review the key principles of pain management in the oncology setting
- Analyse the key principles of management of cancer related fatigue, nutritional deficits, nausea and vomiting and GIT in the cancer population
- Explore the concept of survivorship in cancer.
Module Content: Cancer care trajectory, Pathophysiology of cancer, cancer diagnosis and metastatic spread, epidemiology, screening and risk factors of cancer, risk behaviour and theory, cancer genetics. Overview of cancer treatments. Symptom management: pain, fatigue, nausea & vomiting, GIT and nutritional issues. Survivorship in cancer.
Additional Teaching Mode Information
16 hrs Lectures/Workshop; 184 hrs Distance Learning; Discussion Board Preparation and Participation, Required Reading, Assignment Preparation and Submission, Self-Directed Learning.
Assessment: Total Marks 200: Continuous Assessment 200 marks (Oral Presentation on an aspect of cancer/cancer treatment, 180 marks; E activities, 20 marks).
Compulsory Elements: Continuous Assessment.
Why Choose
Skills and Careers Information
NU6145 linked to PG Oncology programmes.
Module Name | Module Code | Requirement 1 | Requirement 2 | Requirement 3 |
Foundations of Cancer Care |
NU6145 | Applicants must be practising nurses with evidence of current registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) | Applicants for Nursing and Midwifery CPD modules whose main language is not English and who do not hold an up-to-date IELTS certificate showing the requisite Academic Board approved CM&H scores must demonstrate evidence of appropriate work experience within an English language environment for at least the previous 2 years. | If you are applying with Qualifications obtained outside Ireland and you wish to verify if you meet the minimum academic and English language requirements for this programme please view the grades comparison table by country and for details of recognised English language tests. |
Fees and Costs
The fee for this module is €900 which includes the €35 application fee.