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General Information about Themes


  • Physics and nonlinear dynamics
    • People:
      • Andreas, David, Gareth, …
      • School+Tyndall, Beaufort/ERI/MaREI, …
      • Other current collaborations/programs/funded projects/etc.
  • Themes (provide brief description of work/achievements/etc.):
    • Photonics
    • Fluid mechanics (and water wave modelling?)
    • Marine renewable energy


  • Analysis
    • People
      • Steve, Tom?, …
  • Themes
    • Complex analysis
    • Potential theory
    • Quantum probability


  • Geometry
    • People
      • Claus, Martin K, Mustata2 (?), …
  • Themes
    • Algebraic geometry
    • Differential geometry
    • Geometric analysis


  • Mathematical modeling
    • People
      • Jim, Kieran, Finbarr, Tony?, Supratik?
  • Themes
    • Therapeutics & pharmacokinetics
    • Geology & hydrology
    • Medical diagnostics
    • Epidemiology & ecology


  • Biostatistics
    • People
      • Michael, Kathleen, Jian, Tony
  • Themes
    • Dental & medical outcomes
    • Risk modeling in food, health and life science
    • Longitudinal & mixed modelling
    • Classification and & scale development


  • Medical imaging
    • People
      • Finbarr, Eric, Jian, Supratik, Janet
      • PG: Catherine, Tian, Zhaoyan, Fransisco, Sarah
      • Projects: SFI PI/2011, …
  • Themes
    • MRI, PET & CT imaging analysis
    • Therapeutic efficacy evaluation
    • Non-invasive patient-oriented assessment techniques


  • Financial mathematics
    • People
      • Bernard
  • Themes
    • Stochastic systems theory
    • Game theory
    • Operational risk estimation, volatility
    • Dividend optimization


  • Actuarial science
    • People
      • Linda, Maeve, Eric, Supratik?
      • Society of Actuaries
  • Themes
    • Mortality & demographic modeling
    • Ruin theory & solvency studies
    • Statistical methods in insurance


School of Mathematical Sciences

Eolaíochtaí Matamaiticiúla

Room 1-57, First Floor floor, T12 XF62
