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Completed Projects

Completed Projects

Advancing Seabed Mapping Techniques for Deep-water Habitat Classification in Submarine Canyons (ASMaT) 2019-2023, PI

Marine Protected Areas Management and Monitoring (MarPAMM), 2018-2023, PI

European Regional Development Fund INTERREG IIIA: “HABitat MAPping for conservation and management of the Southern Irish Sea (HABMAP)” - September 2004 to September 2007, PI

EU 5th Framework Programme: Advanced MApping with SONar and video (AMASON) - 2002-2005, PI

Irish Petroleum Infrastructure Programme (Porcupine Studies Group) & EU Large Scale Facilities Fund: “TOBI and BRIDGET Seafloor Survey in the Porcupine Seabight and Rockall Trough” – 2002, Co-proposer

“Seabed Survey Public Private Partnership Study” - Desktop scoping study for the Geological Survey of Ireland (joint project with Marine Informatics and Circa Group) - 1998, PI

Marine Geosciences Research Group

University College Cork

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, North Mall Campus, University College Cork, North Mall, Cork City, T23 TK30
