Stephen Mahon
Research Interests
spectroscopic absorption
gas phase isotopologues
Frequency comb
Professional Activity
2015: Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland. Advanced Physics Research Project, III-V Materials and Devices.
- - Project: Building a photonic device using selective oxidation
- - Supervisor: Mr Brian Corbett
- - Research areas: Fabrication, oxidation, laser, current confinement.
2014-2015: Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland. Advanced Chemistry Research Project, III-V Materials and Devices
- - Project: Developing oxidation processes for (AlGa)InAs materials
- - Supervisor: Mr Brian Corbett
- - Research areas: Oxidation, semiconductors, photonic devices.
2014: Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland. Advanced Chemistry Research Project, III-V Materials and Devices
- - Project: Analysis of electro-optic modulators
- - Supervisor: Mr Brian Corbett
- - Research areas: Quantum confined Stark effects, Kramers–Kronig relation, semiconductors.