Dr. Marc Goulette
Research Interests
I am interested in various topics, such as particle physics (search for new particles, parton density functions, Monte Carlo generators), astrophysics (neutrinos), astrobiology (origin of life), space research (human exploration, robotics), instrumentation, environment, sustainable energies, and cognitive science (mainly artificial intelligence and neuroscience).
- M. Goulette, W and Z production in ATLAS and constraints on proton structure, Nucl. Phys. B P14547 (2012).
- M. Goulette, Simulation et détermination des quantités de matière du trajectomètre à rayonnement de transition de l'expérience ATLAS, étalonnage et alignement du détecteur avec des données cosmiques, et estimation des sections efficaces de production des désintégrations W→ eν and Z→ ee au LHC, CERN-THESIS-2010-008 (2010).
- M. Goulette, Comparison of acceptances and radiative effects for W or Z into leptons for the generators Pythia, Herwig and MC@NLO, ATL-COM-PHYS-2008-010 (2008).
- Goulette, Update on the TRT end-cap material weight, ATL-COM-INDET-2007-001, ATLAS note (2007).
- Goulette, Update on the TRT material weight, ATL-COM-INDET-2006-006 (2006).
Teaching Activity
- 2013-2014: Coordinator of the ATLAS Visitor Center, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
- 2009-2013: Teaching general physics at the Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Swizerland. Contact person and monitoring of the Swiss National Supercomputing Center in Lugano.
- 2009-2012: Supervision of a PhD student, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
- 2007-2007: Supervision of a CERN Summer Student, Geneva, Switzerland.
- 2004-2004: Trainer as a mathematics teacher, Math Performance, Strasbourg, France.
- 2003-2004: Project leader of a team of 4 students on the development of an automatic analysis system of nuclear tracks for radiation measurements, Strasbourg, France.
- Présentation de mes travaux dans les expériences BABAR et ATLAS et projet de recherche dans LHCb, Séminaire LPNHE , CNRS Paris, 9 Feb. 2015
- Falling backwards with CERN's latest discoveries, CreativeMornings , Geneva, 31st. May 2013.
- MC@NLO + Herwig++ W/Z DY validation, ATLAS Physics and Performance week, CERN, 8th Nov. 2012.
- MC12 MC@NLO + Herwig++ for W,Z. SM W/Z-Physics group Meeting, CERN, 5th Nov. 2012.
- What should we know about the Higgs particle?, ATLAS Blog , 15th August 2012.
- W and Z production and constraints on proton structure, QCD2012 , 2nd July 2012 (invited by the ATLAS speakers committee).
- CERN & ATLAS visit info for guides, ATLAS Week, 5th June 2012.
- Questioning the unquestionable, TEDx Conference, Geneva, Bastion, 31st May 2012.
- Contribution to the ATLAS experiment, CERN and the Unige, CHIPP Workshop, Zurich, 29th July. 2011.
- ATLAS grid experience, CHIPP Workshop on the High-Energy Frontier, Zurich, 1-2 Sept. 2010.
- Analysis on the 7 TeV data, ATLAS Geneva Physics Meeting, 21st May 2010.
- Analysis aspects in ATLAS, CSCS Workshop, Manno, 29th April 2010.
- Exercise on the 900 GeV data (update), ATLAS Geneva Physics Meeting, 20th March 2010.
- Exercise on the 900 GeV data, ATLAS Geneva Physics Meeting, 5th March 2010.
- TRT material status, Inner Detector Material Meeting, CERN, 15th Feb. 2010.
- E/p studies, 2nd Ringberg Workshop for the ATLAS Inner Detector Software, Germany, April 2008.
- Status on B0 → K*0 ρ0, Babar meeting, Elba, Italy, May 2005.