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MU2112 Music Education

In this co-learning module, CSC students and Music students work together to explore different musical instruments, as well as music sounds in the environment. They learn about how music is part of people’s lives, and create a musical piece together as a group.

This module is taught by id+ Project Fellow Dr Michelle Finnerty of UCC’s Department of Music.

MU3034 Choral Studies

In this co-learning module, CSC students and Music students learn about different ways people can sing together, and how singing can be a way of celebrating inclusion. Together they help to plan and organise a concert with the UCC choir and a special guest.

This module is taught by id+ Project Fellow Dr Eva McMullan of UCC’s Department of Music.

MU2079 Let the Music Play

In this co-learning module, CSC students and Music students learn how to teach music to young children. Together they explore the importance of play in learning music, and different ways of teaching music to different children.

This module is taught by id+ Project Fellow Dr Eva McMullan of UCC’s Department of Music.

id+ Project

5 Brighton Villas, Western Road, University College Cork , T12 EC95
