Thursday 20th March 3pm The Geography Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor, Geography Building, UCC Presented by: Dr Maxim Kozachenko & Dr Pat Meere Practical Applications of Online Videos and web-based Mapping for Education and Outreach
Wednesday February 26th Connolly A 15.30 – 17.00 Niall Kennedy (MSc in GIS and Remote Sensing UCC Graduate): "GIS, Remote Sensing and Mallon Technology: An Overview" |
Wednesday February 26th Connolly A 14.00 – 15.30 Karin Whooley (National Co-ordinator for Scoilnet, the portal for Irish Education): "Scoilnet Maps - Using Open GIS Data in Irish Schools"
Wednesday February 19th Connolly C 15.30 – 17.00 Gillian Whelan (PhD student in the Geography Department): She will be telling us about "Contrails! The use of AVHRR thermal imagery to investigate the role of aircraft-induced contrails on the Irish climate."
Wednesday February 19th Connolly C 14.00 – 15.30 Dr. Tracey Lauriault from NUI Maynooth: She will be talking about Cybercartography, and she will also tell us about a new project she is involved with at Maynooth called the Programmable City.
Thursday 13th February The Geography Library, Ground Floor, Geography Building Research seminar 3pm Dr Piaras MacEinri: ‘Emigration in an Age of Austerity: new methodological approaches towards a representative