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  • Seibold S, Rammer W, Hothorn T et al. In press. The contribution of insects to global forest deadwood composition. Nature.
  • McCarthy A, Caravaggi A, Fernández-Bellon D, Irwin S, Lusby J, O’Halloran J. 2021. Bird and small mammal community composition and abundance in upland open habitats and early conifer forests. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67:1-13.
  • Caravaggi A, Irwin S, Lusby J, Ruddock M, Mee A, Nagle T, O'Toole L, O'Neill S, O’Halloran J. 2020. Anthropogenic pressures within the breeding range of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in Ireland. Bird Study 66(4):461-470.
  • Caravaggi A, Irwin S, Lusby J, McCarthy A, Mee A, Nagle T, O’Halloran J. 2020. Forest management and Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus conservation in Ireland. Irish Birds 42:1-12.
  • Corkery I, Irwin S, Quinn J, Keating U, Lusby J, O'Halloran J. 2020. Changes in forest cover result in a shift in bird community composition. Journal of Zoology 310(4):306-314.
  • Fernández-Bellon D, Lusby J, Bos J, Schaub T, McCarthy A, Caravaggi A, Irwin S, O’Halloran J. 2020. Expert knowledge assessment of threats and conservation strategies for breeding Hen Harrier and Short-eared Owl across Europe. Bird Conservation International 31(2):1-18.
  • Caravaggi A, Irwin S, Lusby J, Ruddock M, O’Toole L, Mee A, Nagle T, O’Neill S, Tierney D, McCarthy A, O’Halloran J. 2019. Factors influencing Hen Harrier, Circus Cyaneus, territory site selection and breeding success. Bird Study 66(3):366-377.
  • Fernández-Bellon D, Wilson MW, Irwin S, O'Halloran J. 2019. Effects of development of wind energy and associated changes in land use on bird densities in upland areas. Conservation Biology 33:413-422.
  • Pedley SM, Barbaro L, Guilherme JL, Irwin S, O’Halloran J, Proença V and Sullivan MJP. 2019. Functional shifts in bird communities from semi-natural oak forests to conifer plantations are not consistent across Europe. PLOS ONE. 14:e0220155.
  • Fernández-Bellon D, Wilson MW, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O'Mahony B, O'Halloran J. 2018. Video evidence of siblicide and cannibalism, movement of nestlings by adults and interactions with predators in nesting Hen Harriers. Journal of Raptor Research 52: 393-399.
  • García-Tejero S, Spence JR, O’Halloran J, Bourassa S, Oxbrough A. 2018. Natural succession and clearcutting as drivers of environmental heterogeneity and beta diversity in North American boreal forests. PLOS ONE 13: e0206931.
  • Fernández-Bellon D, Wilson MW, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O’Mahony B, O’Halloran J. 2017. Activity patterns of breeding Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus assessed using nest cameras. Bird Study 64(4):557-561.
  • Graham CT, Wilson MW, Gittings T, Kelly TC, Irwin S, Quinn JL, O’Halloran J. 2017. Implications of afforestation for bird communities: the importance of preceding land-use type. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(13):3051-3071.
  • Lusby J, Corkery I, McGuiness S, Fernández-Bellon D et al. 2017. Breeding ecology and habitat selection of Merlin Falco columbarius in forested landscapes. Bird Study 64(4):445-454.
  • O’Halloran J, Kelly TC, Quinn J, Fernández-Bellon D, Caravaggi A, Smiddy P. 2017. Current ornithological research in Ireland: seventh Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, November 2017. Irish Birds 10: 598-638.
  • Wilson MW, Fernández-Bellon D, Irwin S, O’Halloran J. 2017. Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus population trends in relation to wind farms. Bird Study 64(1):20-29.
  • Wilson MW, Irwin S, O'Mahony B, Kelly TC, O'Halloran J. 2017. The effects of fieldwork on Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus breeding success. Irish Birds 10:457-462.
  • Bullock CH, O’Callaghan C, Dhubain AN, Iwata Y, O’Donoghue C, Ryan M, Upton V, Byrne KA, Irwin S, O’Halloran J. 2016. A review of the range and value of ecosystem services from Irish forests. Irish Forestry 73: 65-95.
  • Devaney JL, Redmond JJ, Cott GM, O'Halloran J. 2016. Deforestation in Ireland 2000-2012. Irish Forestry 73:8-24.
  • O'Callaghan CJ, Irwin S, Byrne K, O'Halloran J. 2016. The role of planted forests in the provision of habitat: an Irish perspective. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(13):3103–3124
  • Oxbrough A, García-Tejero S, Spence, O’Halloran J. 2016. Can mixed stands of native and non-native tree species enhance diversity of epigaeic arthropods in plantation forests? Forest Ecology and Management367:21-29.
  • Pedley SM, Oxbrough A, Martin, RD, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J. 2016. Can ground-based assessments of forest biodiversity reflect the biological condition of canopy assemblages? 359:190-198.
  • Devaney J, Barrett B, Barrett F, Redmond J, O’Halloran J. 2015. Forest cover estimation in Ireland using radar remote sensing: A comparative analysis of forest cover assessment methodologies. PLoS ONE, 10:e0133583.
  • Devaney JL, Redmond JJ, O'Halloran J. 2015. Contemporary forest loss in Ireland; quantifying rare deforestation events in a fragmented forest landscape. Applied Geography 63:346-356.
  • Fernández-Bellon D, Irwin S, Wilson MW, O'Halloran J. 2015. Reproductive output of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in relation to wind turbine proximity. Irish Birds 10: 143-150.
  • Daly E, McCarthy N, O'Halloran J, Irwin S, O'Rathaille M. 2014. Effect of forest litter depth on seed germination efficacy of Rhododendron ponticum. Irish Forestry 71:50-62.
  • Fuller L, Newman M, Irwin S, Kelly T, O’Halloran J. 2014. Ground-dwelling spider diversity in rare European oak and yew woodlands and the impact of grazing. Biodiversity and Conservation 23:1911-1929.
  • Graham CT, Drinan TJ, Harrison SSC, O’Halloran J. 2014. Relationship between plantation forest and brown trout growth, energetics and population structure in peatland lakes in western Ireland. Forest Ecology and Management 321:71-80.
  • Graham CT, Wilson MW, Gittings T, Kelly TC, Irwin S, Sweeney OF, O'Halloran J. 2014. Factors affecting the bird diversity of planted and semi-natural oak forests in Ireland. Bird Study 61:309-320.
  • Irwin S, Pedley SM, Coote L, Dietzsch AC et al. 2014. The value of plantation forests for plant, invertebrate and bird diversity and the potential for cross-taxon surrogacy. Biodiversity and Conservation 23:697-714.
  • McDevitt AD, Montgomery WI, Tosh DG, Lusby J, Reid N, White TA, McDevitt CD, O'Halloran J, Searle JB, Yearsley JM. 2014. Invading and expanding: Range dynamics and ecological consequences of the Greater White-toothed Shrew (Crocidura russula) invasion in Ireland. PLOS ONE 9:e100403.
  • Oxbrough A, Irwin S, Wilson M, O’Halloran J. 2014. Mechanisms and predictors of ecological change in managed forests: A selection of papers from the second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes. Forest Ecology and Manage 321:1-4.
  • Pedley SM, Martin RD, Oxbrough A, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J. 2014. Commercial spruce plantations support a limited canopy fauna: Evidence from a multi taxa comparison of native and plantation forests. Forest Ecology and Management 314:172-182.
  • Coote L, Dietzsch AC, Wilson MW, Graham CT, Fuller L, Walsh AT, Irwin S, Kelly DL, Mitchell FJG, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J. 2013. Testing indicators of biodiversity for plantation forests. Ecological Indicators,32:107-115.
  • Fuller L, Irwin S, Kelly T, O'Halloran J, Oxbrough A. 2013. The importance of young plantation forest habitat and forest road-verges for ground-dwelling spider diversity. Biology and Environment 113(B):259-271.
  • Fuller L, Oxbrough A, Gittings T, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O'Halloran J. 2013. The response of ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae) and hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) to afforestation assessed using within-site tracking. Forestry 87:301-312.
  • Graham CT, Irwin S, Wilson M, Gittings T, Kelly T, O'Halloran J. 2013. Tracking the impact of afforestation on bird communities. Irish Forestry 70:172-183
  • Irwin S, Kelly DL, Kelly TC, Mitchell FJG et al. 2013. Do Irish forests provide habitat for species of conservation concern. Biology and Environment 113(B):273-279.
  • Murphy V, Carden RF, Harrison SSC, O'Halloran J, Irwin S, Butler F. 2013. Deer in Irish commercial forests. Irish Forestry 70:91-103.
  • O'Halloran J, Irwin S, Kelly T, Quinn J, Wilson M, Smiddy P. 2013. Current ornithological research in Ireland: 6th Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, November 2013. Irish Birds 9:641-687.
  • Graham CT, Wilson M, Irwin S, Gittings T, Kelly T, O’Halloran J. 2012. Bird communities of forest roads: preliminary findings of a long term study. Irish Birds 9:367-374.
  • O'Connell S, Irwin S, Wilson MW, Sweeney OF, Kelly TC, O'Halloran J. 2012. How can forest management benefit bird communities? Evidence from eight years of research in Ireland. Irish Forestry 69:44-57.
  • Oxbrough A, French V, Irwin S, Kelly TC, Smiddy P, O’Halloran J. 2012. Can mixed species stands enhance arthropod diversity in plantation forests? Forest Ecology and Management 270:11-18.
  • Wilson M, Gittings T, Pithon J, Kelly T, Irwin S, O'Halloran J. 2012. Bird diversity of afforestation habitats in Ireland: current trends and likely impacts. Biology and Environment 112(B):1-4.
  • Wilson MW, O’Donoghue B, O’Mahony B et al. 2012. Mismatches between breeding success and habitat preferences in Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus breeding in forested landscapes. Ibis 154:578-589.
  • Irwin S, Wilson MW, Kelly TC, O'Mahony B, Oliver G, Troake P, Ryan B, Cullen C, O'Donoghue B, O'Halloran J. 2011. The breeding biology of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland over a five year period. Irish Birds 9:165-172.
  • Sweeney OF, WIlson MW, Irwin S, Kelly TC, Gittings T, O'Halloran J. 2011. Breeding birds of native woodlands and plantation forests in Ireland. Irish Birds 9:181-196.
  • Martin R, Oxbrough A, Gittings T, Kelly TC, O'Halloran J. 2010. New records and rare invertebrate specimens recorded during a decade of forest biodiversity research in Ireland. Antenna 34:111-118.
  • O'Sullivan B, Keady B, Keane EM, Irwin S, O'Halloran J. 2010. Data mining for biodiversity prediction in forests. Proceedings of the 2010 conference on ECAI 2010: 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. ECAI2010 Aug4:289-294.
  • Oxbrough A, Gittings T, Kelly T, O’Halloran J. 2010. Can Malaise traps be used to sample spiders for biodiversity assessment? Journal of Insect Conservation 14:169-179.
  • Oxbrough A, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J. 2010. Ground-dwelling invertebrates in reforested conifer plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 259:2111-2121.
  • Sweeney OF, Martin RD, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J, Wilson MW, McEvoy PM. 2010. A lack of large-diameter logs and snags characterises dead wood patterns in Irish forests. Forest Ecology and Management 259:2056-2064.
  • Sweeney OF, Wilson MW, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O'Halloran J. 2010. The influence of a native tree species mix component on bird communities in non-native coniferous plantations in Ireland. Bird Study 57:483-494.
  • Sweeney OF, Wilson MW, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J. 2010. Breeding bird communities of second‐rotation plantations at different stages of the forest cycle. Bird Study 57:301-314.
  • Sweeney OF, Wilson MW, Irwin S, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J. 2010. Are bird density, species richness and community structure similar between native woodlands and non-native plantations in an area with a generalist bird fauna? Biodiversity and Conservation 19:2329-2342.
  • Wilson MW, Gittings T, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J. 2010. The importance of non‐crop vegetation for bird diversity in Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland. Bird Study 57:116-120.
  • Wilson MW, Irwin S, Norriss DW, Newton SF, Collins K, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J. 2009. The importance of pre-thicket conifer plantations for nesting Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland. Ibis 151:332-343.
  • Irwin S, Wilson MW, Kelly TC, O'Donoghue B, O'Mahony B, Oliver G, Cullen C, O'Donoghue T, O'Halloran J. 2008. Aspects of the breeding biology of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland. Irish Birds 8:331-334.
  • Roycroft D, Irwin S, Wilson MW, Kelly TC, O'Halloran J. 2008. The breeding bird community of Balrath Wood 2007. Irish Forestry 65:60-70.
  • Oxbrough AG, Gittings T, O’Halloran J, Giller PS, Kelly TC. 2007. Biodiversity of the ground-dwelling spider fauna of afforestation habitats. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 120:433-441.
  • Gittings T, O'Halloran J, Kelly T. 2006. The contribution of open spaces to the maintenance of hoverfly (Dipteral, Syrphidae) biodiversity in Irish plantation forests. Forest Ecology and Management 237:290-300.
  • Oxbrough AG, Gittings T, O'Halloran J, Giller PS, Kelly TC. 2006. The influence of open space on ground-dwelling spider assemblages within plantation forests. Forest Ecology and Management 237:478-491.
  • Oxbrough AG, Gittings T, O’Halloran J, Giller PS. 2006. The initial effects of afforestation on ground-dwelling spider fauna among several habitat types. Forest Ecology and Management 237:404-417 .
  • Wilson MW, Pithon J, Gittings T, Kelly TC, Giller PS, O’Halloran J. 2006. The effects of growth stage and tree species composition on breeding bird assemblages of plantation forests. Bird Study 53:225-236 .
  • Gittings T, Giller P, O'Halloran J. 2005. Notable Irish hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) records, 2001 and 2002. Irish Naturalists' Journal 28:132-133.
  • Oxbrough AG, Gittings T, O'Halloran J, Giller PS. 2005. Structural indicators of spider communities across the forest plantation cycle. Forest Ecology and Management 212:171-183.
  • Pithon J, O’Halloran J, Moles R. 2005. The influence of coniferous afforestation on lowland farmland bird communities in Ireland: different seasons and landscape contexts. Landscape and Urban Planning, 71:91-103.


Forest Ecology

Dept. of Zoology, Ecology & Plant Science, University College Cork, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork
