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This page provides references to a selection of published work involving network members and/or which is relevant to the subject matter and focus of ELPIN.


Fletcher R

[BLOG] On Care, Coercion and Childbirth in the Court of Protection

Spillane, A., Taylor, M., Henchion, C., Venables, R., and Conlon, C


Early abortion care during the COVID-19 public health emergency in Ireland: Implications for law, policy, and service delivery 2021 Irish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Horgan P, Thompson M, Harte K and Gee R

Termination of Pregnancy services in Irish general practice from Jan 2019 to Jun 2019

2021 Contraception
McCarrthy C, Meaney S, Rochford M and O Donoghue K  Risk Perception on the Labour Ward 2021 Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management Vol. 26; Issue 2
Mishtal, J et al

Policy Implementation – Access to Safe Abortion Services in Ireland

2021 WHO Research Dissemination Report 2021
Hoare F and Duffy R

Preventing Coercion but Marginalising Psychiatry

2021 British Journal of Psychiatry Vol 218: Issue 5
McConnell R, Meaney S, O'Donoghue K

Influence of Cost on Contraceptive Choices Amongst University Students

Irish Medical Journal Vol 114, No. 6; p376
Sheelagh McGuinness, Michael Thomson

Conscience, Abortion and Jurisdiction

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Murray C

Troubling Consent: Pain and Pressure in Labour and Childbirth

2020 IN: Pickles, C. and Herring, J., Women’s Birthing Bodies and the Law: Unauthorised Intimate Examinations, Power and Vulnerability (Hart Publishing, 2020).
Power S, Meeney S and O'Donoghue K 

Fetal Medicine Specialist experiences of providing a new service of termination of pregnancy for fatal fetal anomaly: a qualitative study

2020 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 
O'Donovan, O

Wax Moulages and the Pastpresence Work of the Dead

Science, Technology and Human Values
McCarthy, J. and McGuinness, S Conscience, Conscientious Objection and Commitment: Midwives, Nurses and Abortion Care 2020
Kohlen and McCarthy (eds) Nursing Ethics: Feminist Perspectives (Springer)
Taylor M, Spillane A and Arulkuraman The Irish Journey: Removing the shackles of abortion restrictions in Ireland 2020
Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 62: pp 36-48

Power S, Meeney S and O'Donoghue K

The incidence of fatal fetal anomalies associated with perinatal mortality in Ireland 2020
Prenatal Diagnosis 1-8

Helps Ä, Leitao S, O' Byrne L, Greene R and O'Donoghue K

Irish Inquiry Reports Relating to Perinatal Deaths and Pregnancy Loss 2020
Irish Medical Journal, Vol 113, No. 2 p21
Donnelly M and Murray C

Abortion care in Ireland: Developing legal and ethical frameworks for conscientious provision

2020 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol 148, Issue 1: 127-132
McCarthy J Right of freedom of conscience ‘is not absolute’ 2019

Nursing in General Practice, Volume 12: 27-28.

O'Donoghue K, et al

Pathway for the Management of FFA and/or LLC diagnosed during pregnancy 2018 Royal College of Physicians Ireland (Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Fletcher R

RepealedThe8th: Translating Travesty, Global Conversation, and the Irish Abortion Referendum 

2018  Feminist Legal Studies 26(3): 233-259 
McCarthy J, O’Donnell K, Campbell L and Dooley D Ethical arguments for access to abortion services in the Republic of Ireland: recent developments in the public discourse 2018 Journal of Medical Ethics 44:513–517

Power S, Meaney S and O'Donoghue K

An assessment of the general public's knowledge of fatal foetal anomalies 2018 Prenatal Diagnosis 1-8
Fletcher R Negotiating strangeness on the abortion trail 2017 In: Harding R, Fletcher R, Beasley C (eds).  Revaluing Care in Theory, Law and Practice.  Abingdon, Routledge pp. 14-31
McCarthy J Reproductive justice in Ireland: a feminist analysis of the Neary and Halappanavar cases 2016 In: Donnelly M and Murray C (eds). Ethical and Legal Debates in Irish Healthcare: Confronting Complexities. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp.9-23
Fletcher R Conscientious Objection, Harm Reducation and Abortion Care 2016 In: Donnelly M and Murray C (eds). Ethical and Legal Debates in Irish Healthcare: Confronting Complexities. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp.24-41
Fletcher R Peripheral Governance: Administering Transnational Healthcare Flows 2013 International Journal of Law in Context 9(2): 160 - 191

Fletcher R, Fox M and McCandless J

Legal Embodiment: Analysing the Body of Healthcare Law 2008 Medical Law Review 16(3): 321-354

Fletcher R

Reproductive Consumption 2006 Feminist Theory 7(1): 27-48
Fletcher R Reproducing Irishness: Race, Gender and Abortion Law 2005

Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 17(2): 365 - 403

Ethics, Law and Pregnancy in Ireland Network
