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United Technologies PhD Research Fellowship

United Technologies have recently set up a research centre in Ireland. Their reputation in
research is outstanding; they only deal with the best universities worldwide and will only
support their best graduates.

The research centre in Ireland is primarily focussing on Energy research. They would like
to support a PhD student at UCC under the supervision of Dr Gordon Lightbody (EEE), but
with significant time placed in UTRC, working under the supervision of Dr Marcin Cychowski
in UTRC Cork. This project will look at model-based, predictive control, optimisation and
fault tolerance for advanced building control.

This is a great opportunity to be well funded on a very relevant and useful PhD project –
and also to get a chance to work with one of the world’s top energy research companies.
If you are interested in this position, please feel free to contact Dr Lightbody by email
at g.lightbody(at)

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Innealtóireacht Leictreach agus Leictreonach

University College Cork, College Road, Cork, Ireland
