Key Texts
Here follows a partial listing of Irish texts relevant to the De Finibus project with bibliographical information (and internet links where available). It will be further developed, both through the addition of more titles and through the provision of further bibliographical details, as work progresses.
Dr Emma Nic Cárthaigh
A Dé mair/ conagabaind mo di erail (a prophecy attributed to Mo Ling)
ED.: E. O'Curry, Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History (Dublin, 1861), pp. 633-4.
REF.: R. Flower, Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the British Library, vol. ii, 483.
MS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.12) [Leabhar Breac], facs. p. 242b (s. xv).
Internet links Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.12) may be consulted on ISOS
Agallamh an anma agus an chuirp re ceile
ED.: G. Dottin, 'Une version irlandaise du dialogue du corps et de l'ame', Revue Celtique 23 (1902) 1-39; S.P. Ó Domhnaill, 'Agallamh idir an Anam agus an Corp', Lia Fáil 3 (1930) 37-86.
MSS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 502 (23.D.3) pp. 111-38 (1681); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 109 (23.L.29) pp. 167-72 (s. xviii); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 105 (23.L.12) pp. 253-70 (s. xviii); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 982 (23.C.5) pp. 16-31 (1767); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 499 (23.B.25) pp. 42, 43-57 (s. xviii); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 346 (23.M.41) pp. 3-15; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 434 (23.B.8) pp.1a ff. (1820); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 291 (23.O.3) pp. 1-17 (s. xviii); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 628 (23.A.25) pp. 440-84 (1770); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 573 (23.Q.18) pp. 269-76 (s. xixin); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1198 (23.I.4) pp. 1-26 (1735); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 555 (23.L.26) pp.1-9 (s. xviii/xix); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1019 (3.C.4 ii) ff. 60-64b (s. xix); Dublin, Trinity College 1367 (H.4.26) pp. 1-53 (1701); Dublin, Trinity College 1374 (H.5.2) pp. 49-65 (1721-2); Dublin, University College Lib. Gaelic 3, pp. 2-23; London, Brit. Lib. Egerton 133, ff. 18-30 (1711); London, Brit. Lib. Egerton 170, ff. 5-12a, 54-8 (1705); Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds celtique 101, pp. 76-102 (s. xviii).
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 23 (1902)
CDI: S.P. Ó Domhnaill, 'Agallamh idir an Anam agus an Corp', Lia Fáil 3 (1930) 37-86.
Airdena inna Cóic Lá nDéc ria mBráth
ED.: W. Stokes, 'The Fifteen Tokens of Doomsday', Revue Celtique 28 (1907) 308-26.
MSS: London, BL Additional 30512, ff. 95-8 (s. xv); Dublin, Trinity College 1291 (H.1.17), ff. 26-31 (1755).
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 28 (1907)
CELT (text):
CELT (trans):
An anecdote on the value of prayer for the dead
ED.: K. Meyer, 'Mitteilungen aus Irischen Handschriften. Aus Laud 610. Danklied einer erlösten Seele', Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 3 (1901), pp. 33-4; J. Carey, 'An Anecdote from Laud Miscellaneous MS 610' in The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MS: Oxford, Bodleian Laud Misc. 610, f. 9r.
Internet links Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, vol. 3 (1901)
Oxford Bodleian: MS Laud Misc. 610
Antichrist texts
ED.: R. Atkinson, The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac, Todd Lecture Series II (Dublin, 1887) 244, 477-8; D. Hyde, 'Mediaeval Account of Antichrist', in Medieval Studies in Memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis (Paris, New York, 1927) 391-8.
MS: Chatsworth, Book of Lismore, f. 110.
Internet links R. Atkinson, The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac, Todd Lecture Series, II (Dublin, 1887)
CDI: Douglas Hyde, 'Mediaeval Account of Antichrist', in Medieval Studies in Memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis (Paris, New York, 1927) 391-8.
Atá leabur limsa/ sgéla tosaich domhain
ED.: Cf. W. Stokes, 'The Colloquy of the two Sages, Immaccallam in dá thuarad', Revue Celtique 26 (1905) 4-64: 36-49 §§149-266: the text of Atá leabur limsa is apparently based on this part of 'The Colloquy of the two Sages'.
REF: R. Flower, Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the British Library, vol. ii, 495.
MS: London, Brit. Lib. Add. 30512, f. 44v (s. xvex).
Betha Fursa / Irish Life of Fursa
ED.: W. Stokes, 'The Life of Fursa', Révue Celtique 25 (1904) 385-404.
MSS: Brussels, Bibl. royale MS 2324-40, ff. 50-52 (AD 1629): a copy of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy MS 968 (A.iv.1, olim Stowe 9), pp. 165-75 (c. 1627).
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 25 (1904)
Dá Brón Flatha Nime
ED.: G. Dottin, 'Les deux chagrins du royaume du ciel', Revue Celtique 21 (1900) 349-387; N.J.B. Volmering, Dá Brón Flatha Nime: a Semi-diplomatic Edition, Translation and Verbal Analysis of Version LL fol. 280a-281a, M.Phil dissertation, University of Dublin (2009); J. Carey, 'Dá Brón Flatha Nime: a Critical Edition', in Apocrypha Hiberniae II: Apocalyptica. Corpus Christianorum Series Apocryphorum 16 (forthcoming).
MSS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1229 (23.E.25) [Lebor na hUidre], pp. 17-18, (s. xiex/xiiin); Dublin, Trinity College 1339 (H.2.18) [Book of Leinster], pp. 280-81, (s. xiimed); Dublin, Trinity College 1318 (H.2.16) [Yellow Book of Lecan], pp. 120-21, (s. xivex); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1134 (23.E.29) [Book of Fermoy], pp. 114-15, (s. xv); Paris, Bibl. Nationale 24682, ff. 27-28, (s. xv).
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 21 (1900)
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1229 (23.E.25) [Lebor na hUidre]; Dublin, Trinity College 1339 (H.2.18) [Book of Leinster] and Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1134 (23.E.29) [Book of Fermoy] may be consulted on ISOS.
Comaillfithir d'Ēirinn/ īdail dar a hora (a prophecy by Eochu Éices)
ED.: K. Meyer, 'Neue Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften', Archiv für celtische Lexikographie 3 (1907) 1-7, 215-46: pp. 240-41.
MSS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1225 (D.ii.1) [Book of Uí Maine], facs. f. 118vb [old foliation] (s. xivex).
Internet links
CDI: Archiv für celtische Lexikographie 3 (1907)
Do fil aimser laithe mbratha
ED.: K. Meyer, 'Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften. Ein altirisches Gedicht über das Ende der Welt', Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 8 (1897) 195-6.
MS: Oxford, Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 615, pp. 132-4.
Internet links Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, vol. 8 (1897)
Oxford Bodleian: MS Laud Misc. 615
Doomsday Section of Saltair na Rann
ED.: W. Stokes, 'Saltair na Rann', Anecdota Oxoniensia, Mediaeval and Modern Series I, iii (Oxford, 1883); E. Hull, The Poem Book of the Gael (London, 1912) 1-50; W.W. Heist, The Fifteen Signs before Doomsday (Michigan, 1952) 1-21; D. Greene and F. Kelly, The Irish Adam and Eve Story from Saltair an Rann, 2 vols (Dublin, 1976) vol. I; C. Ó Dochartaigh, 'The Doomsday Section in Saltair na Rann', in Apocrypha Hiberniae II: Apocalyptica. Corpus Christianorum Series Apocryphorum 16 (forthcoming).
MSS: Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B 502 [Lebor Glinne Dá Locha], ff. 19r-40v (s. xii1); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 4 (24.P.27), pp. 1-24 (s.xvi/xvii); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 252 ( ff. 106v-107v (s. xix1); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 258 (23.G.25) pp. 50, 52, 54; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1185 (24.C.55); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac], p. 111b (s. xvin).
Internet links
CDI: Saltair na Rann
Oxford Bodleian: Rawlinson MS B. 502, folio 19rA - folio 40vB15.
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac] may be consulted on ISOS
Eschatological tract in Leabhar Breac
ED.: E. O'Curry, Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History (Dublin, 1861) 426-8, 632-4; W. Stokes, Félire Óengusso Céli Dé. The Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee, Henry Bradshaw Society 29 (London, 1905) 190-1; H. Fogarty, 'An Edition of Scúap a Fánait from NLI MS G 10', in De Finibus: A Source Book of Medieval Irish Vision Literature (forthcoming).
MSS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac], p. 242b42; Dublin, National Library G 10, p. 46b12; Dublin, National Library G 1, f. 45r.
Internet links Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history (1861) The Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee, Henry Bradshaw Society 29 (London, 1905)
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac]; Dublin, National Library G 10; and Dublin, National Library G 1 may be consulted on ISOS
Fís Adomnáin
ED.: W. Stokes, Fís Adamnáin. Slict Libair na Huidre. Adamnán's Vision transcribed and translated from the Book of the Dun Cow [p. 27a]. With notes. Fifty copies privately printed. (Simla [Calcutta], 1870); E. Windisch, 'Die Vision des Adamnán', Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch (Leipzig, 1880) 165-96; J. Vendryes, 'Aislingthi Adhamnáin. D'après le texte du manuscrit de Paris', Revue Celtique 30 (1909) 349-83; J. Carey, 'Fís Adomnáin: a Critical Edition', in Apocrypha Hiberniae II: Apocalyptica. Corpus Christianorum Series Apocryphorum 16 (forthcoming).
MSS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1229 (23.E.25) [Lebor na hUidre], pp. 27-31, (s. xiex/xiiin); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac], pp. 253-56 (s. xvin); Paris Bibl. Nationale fonds celtique 8175, ff. 95rb-98vb.
Internet links Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch (Leipzig, 1880) Revue Celtique, vol. 30 (1909) C.S. Boswell, An Irish precursor of Dante; a study on the Vision of heaven and hell, ascribed to the eighth-century Irish saint, Adamnán, with translation of the Irish text (London: David Nutt, 1908)
CDI: E. Windisch, 'Fís Adamnáin', Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch (Leipzig, 1880) 165-96. C.S. Boswell (trans.), Fis Adamnáin (The Vision of Adamnán) In parentheses Publications Medieval Irish Series (Cambridge, Ont., 1999)
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1229 (23.E.25) [Lebor na hUidre], pp. 27-31, (s. xiex/xiiin); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac] may be consulted on ISOS
Harrowing of Hell: the text in the Book of Fermoy
ED.: O.J. Bergin, "The Harrowing of Hell", Ériu 4 (1910), 112-19.
MS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1134 (23.E.29) [Book of Fermoy], pp. 193-4.
Internet links
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1134 (23.E.29) [Book of Fermoy] may be consulted on ISOS
Harrowing of Hell: the text in London, BL MS Add. 30512
ED.: J.E. Caerwyn Williams, 'An Irish Harrowing of Hell', Études Celtiques 9 (1960) 44-78, at 52-73.
MS: London, Brit. Lib. Add. 30512, ff. 80-7 (s. xvex.).
Homily on the Bringing Forth of the Soul
ED.: R. Atkinson, The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac, Todd Lecture Series II (Dublin, 1887) 266-73, 507-17; H. Gaidoz, 'Le Debat du Corps et de l'Ame', Revue Celtique 10 (1889) 463-70.
MSS: Dublin, Trinity College 1318 (H.2.16) [Yellow Book of Lecan], cols 851-7 (s. xivex); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.12) [Leabhar Breac], pp. 251-253 (s. xv); Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds celtique 1, ff. 12r2-14r1, 72v1-73 (s. xvex); Maynooth, St Patrick's College Lib. M 89, pp. 93-103.
Internet links R. Atkinson, The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac, Todd Lecture Series, II (Dublin, 1887) Revue Celtique, vol. 10 (1889)
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.12) [Leabhar Breac] may be consulted on ISOS
Leabhar Tairghiallach
MSS: Dublin, Trinity College 1289 (H.1.15), pp. 915-45 (s. xviii - 1745); Dublin, Trinity College 1284 (H.1.10) [s. xviii - 1742].
The Out-of-Body Adventures of Cairpre Cromm
ED.: W. Stokes, 'Three Legends from the Brussels Manuscript 5100-4', Revue Celtique 26 (1905), pp. 360-77 [Brussels, Bibl. Royale 5100-4]; K. Meyer, 'Neue Mitteilungen aus irischen Handscriften', Archiv für celtische Lexikographie 3 (1907), 1-8, 215-46 (at pp. 224-6) [Book of Uí Maine]; J. Carey, 'The Out-of-Body Adventures of Caipre Cromm' in The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MSS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1225 (D.ii.1) [Book of Uí Maine], facs. f. 126va [old foliation] (s. xivex); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1134 (23.E.29) [Book of Fermoy], pp. 71b-72a; London, Brit. Lib. Egerton 92, f. 30r; Chatsworth, Book of Lismore, facs. f. 87r-v; Brussels, Bibl. Royale 5100-4.
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 26 (1905)
CDI: Archiv für celtische Lexikographie vol. 3 (1907)
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1225 (D.ii.1) [Book of Uí Maine] and Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1134 (23.E.29) [Book of Fermoy] may be consulted on ISOS .
A prophecy of the coming of Antichrist in 'The Colloquy'
ED.: W. Stokes, 'The Colloquy of the two Sages, Immaccallam in dá thuarad', Revue Celtique 26 (1905) 4-64: 36-49 §§175-266.
MSS: Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B 502 [Lebor Glinne Dá Locha], facs. ff. 60rb-62vb (s. xii1); Dublin, Trinity College 1339 (H.2.18) [Book of Leinster], facs. pp. 186-88 (s. xiimed); Dublin, Trinity College 1318 (H.2.16) [Yellow Book of Lecan], facs. pp. 241b-251b (s. xivex). For additional MS copies, see also, H. Arbois de Jubainville, Essai d'un catalogue de la littérature épique de l'Irlande (Paris, 1883), p. 5.
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 26 (1905)
Oxford Bodleian: MS Rawlinson B 502
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Trinity College 1339 (H.2.18) [Book of Leinster] may be consulted on ISOS
Prophecy of Fursa
ED.: K. Meyer, 'Fursa Cráiptech profetauit. Aus Harleian 5280, fo. 41b, YBL, S. 410b und Add. 30,512, fo. 19a1' in 'Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften', Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 9 (1913) 166-77: p. 168.
MSS: London, Brit. Lib. Harley 5280, f. 41v; Dublin, Trinity College 1318 (H.2.16) [Yellow Book of Lecan], facs. p. 410a-b (s. xivex); London, Brit. Lib. Add. 30512, f. 19ra (s. xvex).
Internet links Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, vol. 9 (1913)
British Library: Detailed record for Harley 5280 from the British Library catalogue of illuminated manuscripts
Prophecy of Becc mac Dé
ED.: K. Meyer, 'Beg mac Dé profetauit. Aus Harleian 5280, fo. 41b, YBL S. 410a und Add. 30,512, fol. 19a2. Vgl. LB 260a52ff.' in 'Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften', Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 9 (1913) 166-77: pp. 169-70.
MSS: London, Brit. Lib. Harley 5280, f. 41v; Dublin, Trinity College 1318 (H.2.16) [Yellow Book of Lecan], facs. p. 410a (s. xivex); London, Brit. Lib. Add. 30512, f. 19rb (s. xvex); cf. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.12) [Leabhar Breac], facs. p. 260a52 (s. xv).
Internet links Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, vol. 9 (1913)
British Library: Detailed record for Harley 5280 from the British Library catalogue of illuminated manuscripts
Righa thosaigh aimsire (a prophecy attributed to Colum Cille)
MS: London, Brit. Lib. Add. 30512, f. 25v. (s. xvex).
Saint Brendan on the Fear of Death
ED.: P. Grosjean, 'Textes hagiographiques irlandais', Études Celtiques 2 (1937) 269-303: pp. 280-82 [TCD 1337 (H.3.18), p. 40]; J. Vendryes, 'Trois historiettes irlandaises du manuscrit de Paris', Revue Celtique 31 (1910) 300-11: pp. 309-11 [Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds celtique no. 1, f. 29v]; A. O'Sullivan, The Book of Leinster formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. vi (Dublin, 1983), p. 1687; J. Carey, 'Saint Brendan on the Fear of Death' in The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MSS: Dublin, Trinity College 1337 (H.3.18), p. 40; Dublin, National Library G 9, f. 7r; Dublin, Trinity College 1339 (H.2.18) [Book of Leinster], p. 371a; Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds celtique no. 1, f. 29v (s. xvex).
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 31 (1910)
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, National Library G 9 and Dublin, Trinity College 1339 (H.2.18) [Book of Leinster] may be consulted on ISOS.
Scéla Lái Brátha
ED.: R.I. Best and O. Bergin, Lebor na hUidre. Book of the Dun Cow (Dublin, 1929) 77-81; W. Stokes, 'Tidings of Doomsday. An Early-Middle Irish Homily', Revue Celtique 4 (1879-80) 245-57; P. Walsh, Mil na mBeach (Dublin, 1911) 62-8.
MS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1229 (23.E.25) [Lebor na hUidre], pp. 31b-4b, (s. xiex/xiiin).
Internet links Lebor na hUidre, (Dublin, 1929) Revue Celtique, vol. 4 (1879-80)
CELT (text):
CELT (trans):
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1229 (23.E.25) [Lebor na hUidre] may be consulted on ISOS
Scéla na hEsérgi
ED.: J. O'Beirne-Crowe, Scéla na hEsérgi. A Treatise on the Resurrection (Dublin, 1865); W. Stokes, 'Tidings of the Resurrection', Revue Celtique 25 (1904) 232-59; P. Walsh, Mil na mBeach (Dublin, 1911) 69-78; R.I. Best and O. Bergin, Lebor na hUidre. Book of the Dun Cow (Dublin, 1929) 82-8.
MS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1229 (23.E.25) Lebor na hUidre, pp. 34a-7a (s. xiex/xiiin).
Internet links Scéla na hEsérgi. A Treatise on the Resurrection (Dublin, 1865) Revue Celtique, vol. 25 (1904) Lebor na hUidre, (Dublin, 1929)
CELT (text):
CELT (trans):
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1229 (23.E.25) Lebor na hUidre may be consulted on ISOS
Na Seacht Neamha
ED: G. Mac Niocaill, Éigse 8 (1961) 239-41.
MS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum], f. 20 (s. xv).
Internet links
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum] may be consulted on ISOS
The Second Vision of Adomnán
ED: W. Stokes, 'Adamnan's Second Vision', Revue Celtique 12 (1891) 420-43, at 422-39; N. Volmering, 'The Second Vision of Adomnán' in End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac], pp. 258-59 (s. xvin.).
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 12 (1891)
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac] may be consulted on ISOS.
The Seven Hells
ED.: J. Carey, ‘The Seven Hells’ in The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MS: Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B 513, f. 2v, lines 17-30 (s. xv).
The Signs of Doom in the pseudo-Bedan Collectanea
ED: M. Bayless and M. Lapidge, Collectanea Pseudo-Bedae (Dublin, 1998) 178-9; Patrologia Latina, vol. 94, col. 555.
Internet links
Documenta Catholica Omnia: Bedae Venerabilis Opp.
The Signs of Judgment: Garb éirghidh iodhna an bhrátha
ED.: L. McKenna, 'The Signs of Judgment', The Irish Monthly 55 (1927) 260-4; E.C. Quiggin, Poems from the Book of the Dean of Lismore (Cambridge, 1937) 11; L. McKenna, Dioghluim Dána (Dublin, 1938) 86-90.
MSS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 252 (Stowe p. 103; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 255 (Stowe F.ii.3) p. 293; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1223 (D.iv.2) p. 90; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 646 (23.B.31) p. 333; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 524 (23.E.4) p. 174; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 502 (23.D.3) p. 35; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 20 (23.M.30) p. 439; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 209 (23.N.34) p. 44; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 9 (24.L.5) p. 1; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 258 (23.G.25) p. 290.
Internet links
CDI: E.C. Quiggin, 'Garb éirghidh iodhna an bhrátha', Poems from the Book of the Dean of Lismore (Cambridge, 1937) 11.
CDI: L. McKenna, 'Donnchadh Mór Ó Dálaigh', Dioghluim Dána (Dublin, 1938) 86-90.
CELT (text):
The Signs of Doomsday in the Poems of Blathmac
ED.: J. Carney, The Poems of Blathmac Son of Cú Brettan together with the Irish Gospel of Thomas and a Poem of the Virgin Mary, Irish Texts Society 47 (Dublin, 1964), pp. 80-83 §§ 236-42.
MS: Dublin, National Library, G 50 (s. xvii).
Internet links
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, National Library G 50 may be consulted on ISOS.
Stair Nicoméid
ED.: I. Hughes, Stair Nicoméid. The Irish Gospel of Nicodemus, Irish Texts Society 55 (London, 1991).
MSS: Dublin, Trinity College 1318 (H.2.16) [The Yellow Book of Lecan], cols 812-39 (s. xivex); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac], pp. 160-3, 170-2, 223-7 (s. xvin.); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum], ff. 26-32 (s. xv2); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 475 (24.P.25) [Leabhar Chlainne Suibhne], pp. 46-60 (ff. 26-33) [1513-14]; Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds celtique 8175, Book 3, ff. 45-52 (s. xv2).
Internet links
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1230 (23.P.16) [Leabhar Breac]; Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum]; Royal Irish Academy 475 (24.P.25) [Leabhar Chlainne Suibhne] may be consulted on ISOS
In Tenga Bithnua
Recension I
ED.: W. Stokes, 'The Evernew Tongue', Ériu 2 (1905) 96-162, Ériu 3 (1907) 34-35; J. Carey, In Tenga Bithnua. The Ever-new Tongue, Corpus Christianorum, Series Apocryphorum 16: Apocrypha Hiberniae II, Apocalyptica 1 (Turnhout, 2009); J. Carey, 'In Tenga Bithnua. The First Recension', in The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MS: Chatsworth, Book of Lismore, ff. 88a1-94c10 (s. xv).
Internet links
JSTOR: Ériu vol. 2 (1905) may be consulted on
JSTOR: Ériu vol. 3 (1907) may be consulted on
Recension II
ED.: G. Dottin, 'Le Teanga Bithnua du manuscrit de Rennes', Revue Celtique 24 (1903) 365-403; G. Dottin, 'Un traité irlandais du moyen âge. La langue toujours nouvelle', Annales de Bretagne 34 (1920) 190-207, 278-98; Ú. Nic Énri and G. Mac Niocaill, 'The Second Recension of the Evernew Tongue', Celtica 9 (1971) 1-59; J. Carey, In Tenga Bithnua. The Ever-new Tongue, Corpus Christianorum, Series Apocryphorum 16: Apocrypha Hiberniae II, Apocalyptica 1 (Turnhout, 2009).
MSS: Dublin, Trinity College 1318 (H.2.16) Yellow Book of Lecan, pp. 81-6 (s. xivex); Paris, Bibl. Nationale fonds celtique 1, ff. 24 recto col. a-27 verso col. b (s. xvex); Rennes, Bibl. Municipale 598 (15,489), ff. 70 recto col. a-74 recto col. b (s. xvex); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum], f. 20 (s. xv2); Dublin, National Library, G 9, ff. 7 recto col. b-8 recto col. b (s. xvex); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 475 (24.P.25) [Leabhar Chlainne Suibhne], pp. 123-4 (ff. 65 recto col. b-5 verso col. a) [1513-14]; London, Brit. Lib. Egerton 136, ff. 53-6 (1630); Dublin, National Library, G 36, pp. 113-21 (s. xix).
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 24 (1903)
CDI: G. Dottin, 'Un traité irlandais du moyen âge. La langue toujours nouvelle', Annales de Bretagne 34 (1920) 190-207, 278-98.
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum]; and Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 475 (24.P.25) [Leabhar Chlainne Suibhne] may be consulted on ISOS
Recension III
ED.: G. Dottin, 'Une rédaction moderne du Teanga Bithnua', Revue Celtique 28 (1907) 277-307; E. Nic Cárthaigh, 'The Seven Heavens in the Modern Recension of In Tenga Bithnua', in The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MSS (18th century): Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 29 (23.L.24); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 109 (23.L.29); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 235 (12.F.7); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 412 (23.I.25); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 503 (23.D.8); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 579 (24.B.29); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 858 (23.L.35); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 981 (23.N.18); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1021 (3.C.15); Dublin, Trinity College 1287 (H.1.13); Dublin, Trinity College 1413 (H.6.9); Dublin, Trinity College 1414 (H.6.10); Dublin, National Library G 32; Dublin, National Library G 501; Maynooth, St Patrick's College Lib. M 52; Maynooth, St Patrick's College Lib. M 95; Maynooth, St Patrick's College Lib. R 66; London, Brit. Lib. Egerton 171; London, Brit. Lib. Egerton 174; Scotland, National Library of Scotland Adv. 72.2.5 (Gaelic LV).
MSS (19th century): Cork, University College Boole Lib. Murphy 26; Dublin, National Library G 365; Dublin, National Library G 432; Dublin, National Library G 656; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 103 (23.L.6); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 225 (23.B1); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 329 (23.M.1); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 428 (23.I.44); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 598 (24.C.16); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 659 (24.A.22); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 732 (23.N.23); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 809 (24.L.20); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 928 (24.A.20); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1002 (23.B.2); London, Brit. Lib. Additional 18945; Maynooth, St Patrick's College Lib. M 39; Maynooth, St Patrick's College Lib. M 73; Maynooth, St Patrick's College Lib. B 2.
Internet links Revue Celtique, vol. 28 (1907)
Tuar feirge foighide Dé
ED.: L. McKenna, Philip Bocht Ó Huiginn (Dublin, 1931) 114-8, 194-7; B. Ó Cuív, 'Appendix III. The broadsheet of 1571', in Aibidil Gaoidheilge & Caiticiosma. Seaán Ó Cearnaigh's Irish Primer of Religion published in 1571 (Dublin, 1994) 191-212.
MSS: Dublin, Trinity College 1340 (H.3.19), p. 33; Dublin, NLI G 447, p. 62; Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, broadsheet; Clonalis House Roscommon, Book of the O'Conor Don, ff. 54-6; Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Adv. 72.2.16 (Gaelic LXIV), ff. 8-9.
Internet links
CDI: Lambert McKenna, 'Tuar feirge foighide Dé', Philip Bocht Ó Huiginn (Dublin, 1931) 114-8
ISOS: Digital images of The Book of the O'Conor Don may be consulted on ISOS
The Three Cries of the World
ED.: D. de hÍde, 'Trí Gáire an Domhain', Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 17 (1928), pp. 111-2 [Book of Lismore]; J. Carey, 'The Three Cries of the World' in The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MSS: Chatsworth, Book of Lismore, facs. f. 147r; Oxford, Bodleian Rawlinson B 512, f. 143va; Dublin, National Library G 10, p. 45b.
Internet links
CDI: D. de hÍde, 'Trí Gáire an Domhain', Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 17 (1928), pp. 111-2
Oxford Bodleian: MS Rawlinson B 512
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, National Library G 10 may be consulted on ISOS
Tiucfa aimser dubach (a poem ascribed to Colum Cille)
ED.: 'Tiucfa aimser dubach' in 'Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften', Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 10 (1915) 37-54: pp. 49-50.
MSS: Oxford, Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 615, pp. 79-80 (s. xvi).
Internet links Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, vol. 10 (1915)
Oxford Bodleian: MS Laud Misc. 615 The Tripartite life of Patrick: with other documents relating to that saint (1887), edited by Whitley Stokes
Trēdhe nach fuilngeand rīgh rēil
ED. and TRANS.: E. Knott, 'A Poem of Prophecies', Ériu 18 (1958) 55-84.
MSS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1225 (D.ii.1) [Book of Uí Maine], facs. f. 125ra10 [old foliation] (s. xivex); quatrains 1-3 in Oxford, Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 615, p. 110.15 (s. xvi).
Internet links
JSTOR: Ériu 18 (1958) may be consulted on
Oxford Bodleian: MS Laud Misc 615
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1225 (D.ii.1) [Book of Uí Maine] may be consulted on ISOS
Two clerical students and the next life
ED.: W. Stokes, Lives of Saints from the Book of Lismore (Oxford, 1890) xi-xii; J. Carey, 'The Two Clerical Students and the Next Life', in The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MSS: Dublin, Trinity College 1339 (H.2.18) [Book of Leinster], f. 278; Chatsworth, Book of Lismore, f. 43r; Oxford, Bodleian Rawlinson B 512, ff. 140v-41r.
Internet links Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore (pp. xi-xii), ed. Whitley Stokes (Oxford, 1890)
CELT: LL v, p. 1222
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Trinity College 1339 (H.2.18) [Book of Leinster] may be consulted on ISOS
Oxford Bodleian: MS Rawlinson B 512
The Two Deaths
ED.: C. Marstrander, 'The Two Deaths', Ériu 5 (1911) 120-5.
MS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum], f. 25 (s. xv2).
Internet links
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum] may be consulted on ISOS
JSTOR: Ériu 5 (1911) may be consulted on
Vernacular texts on Saint Patrick's Purgatory
An introductory prose note on Saint Patrick's Purgatory, followed by two poems on the Purgatory, both of which are put in the mouth of Saint Patrick. The poems' initia are 'An coimgidh ata ar nim 7 ar lar' and 'Eisdigh aos cumtha caoin'. The first poem is followed by a colophon in which the poet gives his name, homeplace and the date of writing.
MS: London, Brit. Lib. Add. 30512, f. 17v-18v (s. xvex).
REF.: R. Flower, Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the British Library, vol. ii, 477.
Visio Sancti Pauli
ED.: J.E. Caerwyn Williams, 'Irish Translations of Visio Sancti Pauli', Éigse 6 (1949) 127-134. [Incipits: [D]on domnach andso .i. la arna togha le Dia he; Aisling Po. Aisling Poil do pianaib ifrinn. s.s]
MSS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 475 (24.P.25) [Leabhar Chlainne Suibhne], pp. 68-80 (ff. 37-8) [1513-14]; Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum], f. 38 (s. xv2).
Later Irish tradition: D. Hyde, 'Críocha Déigheannacha an Duine ag a mBí Droch-Bheatha. The Last End of the Man who Leads a Bad Life', in The Religious Songs of Connacht, 8 parts. (Dublin 1905-6), VII, pp. 314-30, VIII, pp. 331-49; D. Hyde, Legends of Saints and Sinners. Collected and Translated from the Irish (Dublin, no date), pp. 95-109.
Internet links The religious songs of Connacht, vol. 2, by Douglas Hyde (London, 1906) Legends of saints and sinners, by Douglas Hyde (London, 1915)
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 476 (23.O.48) [Liber Flavus Fergusiorum] and Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 475 (24.P.25) [Leabhar Chlainne Suibhne] may be consulted on ISOS
Visio Tnugdali
MSS: Dublin, Trinity College, 1337 (H.3.18); Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 1235 (Stowe C.ii.2), ff. 45a2–52a2 (s. xvi). See also R.J. Hayes, Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization, 11 vols. (Boston, 1965), V, pp. 697b-701a.
Latin version
ED.: O. Delepierre, Vision de Tondalus, récit mystique du XIIe siècle, mis en français pour la première fois, Société des Bibliophiles de Mons V (Mons, 1837); O. Schade, 'Visio Tnugdali', Revue critique d'histoire et de littérature 7 [2] (1870) 56; A. Wagner, Visio Tnugdali. Lateinisch und Altdeutsch (Erlangen, 1882; repr. Hildesheim, 1989)
Vernacular versions
V.H. Friedel and K. Meyer, La Vision de Tondale (Tnudgal). Textes français, anglo-normand et irlandais (Paris, 1907); M. Picard and Y. de Pontfarcy, The Vision of Tnugdal (Dublin, 1989).
Internet links La vision de Tondale (Tnudgal); textes français, anglo-normand et irlandais, by V.-H. Friedel & Kuno Meyer, (Paris, 1907)
CELT: (Aisling Tundail)
CDI: A. Wagner, Visio Tnugdali. Lateinisch und Altdeutsch (Erlangen, 1882; repr. Hildesheim, 1989)
Google books: Visio Tnugdali, edited by Oskar Schade (Halle an der Saale, 1869)
Google books: Vision de Tondalus, edited by Octave Delepierre (Mons, 1837)
Michigan: (review) Revue critique d'histoire et de littérature, no. 27 (1869)
ISOS: Digital images of Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 1235 (Stowe C.ii.2) may be consulted on ISOS
Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, UM: Tundale
Vision of Laisrén
ED.: K. Meyer, Stories and Songs from Irish Manuscripts, repr. from Otia Merseiana (London, 1899) 113-28; J. Carey, 'The Vision of Laisrén', in The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology (forthcoming).
MS: Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B.512, f. 44 (s. xvex).
Internet links Otia Merseiana, vol. 1 (1899) 113-19
CELT (text):
CELT (trans):
Oxford Bodleian: MS Rawlinson B 512
Vision of Merlino
ED.: R.A.S. Macalister, 'The Vision of Merlino', Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 4 (1903) 394-455.
MS: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy 1185 (24.C.55), pp. 444-68.
Internet links Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, vol. 4 (1903)
Vita prima Fursei
ED.: B. Krusch, 'Vita virtutesque Fursei abbatis Latiniacensis et de Fuilano additamentum Nivialense' in Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores Rerum Merovingicarum iv (1902), 423–49; M.P. Ciccarese, 'Le visioni dell'aldilà come genere letterario: fonti antiche e sviluppi medievali' Schede medievali: Rassegna dell'Officina di studi medievali 19 (1990); C. Carozzi, Le voyage de l'âme dans l'au-delà d'après la littérature latine (Ve-XIIIe siècle). Collection de l'école française de Rome (Rome, 1994), 677-92; N. Groves, The Life and Miracles of Saint Fursa the Pious, translated with an introduction from the Vita et Miracula Sancti Fursei (Privately published, Norfolk, 2003).
MS: British Library, Harley 5041, ff. 79-98v
ED. and TRANS.: O. Rackham, Transitus Beati Fursei: A translation of the 8th century manuscript. Life of Saint Fursey (Norwich, 2007).
Internet links
British Library: Detailed record for Harley 5041 from the British Library catalogue of illuminated manuscripts
TRANS.: Foreword to Oliver Rackham, Transitus Beati Fursei: A translation of the 8th century manuscript. Life of Saint Fursey (Norwich, 2007)
The White Blackbirds of the Eastern World
ED.: P. Grosjean, 'The White Blackbirds of the Eastern World', Irish Texts 4 (1934) 120 [Scotland, National Library 72.1.26 (Gaelic XXVI), f. 2 vb].
ED. and TRANS.: W. Stokes, The Tripartite Life of Patrick, 2 vols (London, 1887), i.xliii [Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B 512, f. 143va11].
MSS: Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson B 512, f. 143va11 (s. xvex); Scotland, National Library 72.1.26 (Gaelic XXVI), f. 2vb (s. xv/xvi); London, Brit. Lib. Egerton 92 (s. xv).
Internet links
CDI: Irish Texts, vol. 4 (1934)
Oxford Bodleian: MS Rawlinson B 512