Crèche Cois Laoi is committed to offering its facilities to children whose parents are students and staff of University College Cork. The service offers an open door policy, which welcomes all parents, at all times. All crèche places are allocated on a first-come first served-basis and in accordance with our Equal Opportunity Policy.
There is a waiting list for Crèche Cois Laoi, and applications are dated as per registration date.
Waiting List
A waiting list is in operation and preference is given to children on the waiting list in the following order -
Siblings of children currently attending the crèche
Children of full time students attending at UCC and children of full time staff employed at UCC
Children are ranked on the waiting list by the date they register with the service; spaces are allocated based on the availability that arises in each child group
Unborn babies cannot be registered on the waiting list, but parents are welcome to do so once the baby is born
Unfortunately putting your child’s name on the waiting list does not automatically guarantee your child a place in the crèche
Waiting List Enrolment Form
Please contact the Crèche office who will take the required details from you in order that your child can be placed on our waiting list.
Once your child's details are on our waiting list, you will be contacted when a place becomes available.
Unfortnately being on the waiting list does not guarantee that your child will get a place in Crèche Cois Laoi
Fee Information
Crèche Cois Laoi is self financing, therefore fees are set annually, at a rate that ensures continuance of the service. Fee prices are subject to continued support from UCC. Full fee information will be given to parents once a place becomes available for their child.
Students will continue to be supported by a Student's Union grant and a Student's Union means tested subsidy. Students can visit the UCC Students Union Website for more information or please click the following link Childcare Assistance Application Form to download a form.
UCC Crèche Support is also provided automatically to students; please contact the crèche for more details.
Crèche Cois Laoi takes part in the ECCE Government Scheme and ECCE places are available to children who satisfy the relevant criteria.CCSP support may also be availed of once qualifying conditions are met.