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Entry 60

EUROCHAMP Database Entry 60


Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University College Cork, Ireland.

Experiment: SOA and humidity study on the ozonolysis of cis-3-hexenol; Stepwise addition of cis-3-hexenol (3 x 100ppb, 1:1 ratio with ozone, RH = 60%) in the presence of seed aerosol.

Date: 2009-11-24

Upload Date: 2011-05-20

Available Data Files:

Data Category Parameters Description Download Files
Final Data - ∆ Ozone (ppbV)
∆ SOA (ug/m3)
Final data results from ozone analyser and SMPS.  Final Data File
Packed File      All Data Files
Description      6500L Chamber

Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry

Ionad Taighde Um Ceimice Atmaisféarach

Lab B1, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60.
