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Gain a nationally recognised digital badge through engaging in professional development relating to your teaching practice.

5 Nov 2018

Implementation of Universal Design principles in Teaching & Learning promotes inclusivity and equity while also ‘future-proofing’ your teaching. As our classrooms and lecture theatres become increasingly diverse, our practices must also adapt to reflect the changing landscape of higher education.  Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework based on research in the learning sciences, including cognitive neuroscience, which guides the development of flexible learning environments that can accommodate individual learning differences and cater for the wide range of diversity in our lecture rooms. This CPD course will give you an introduction to the concept of Universal Design for Learning and invite you to review and update your own Teaching and Learning practice.

Participants in this blended programme will earn a nationally recognised digital badge. The online component opens on Blackboard on the 16th of November and requires engaging with a 3 hour online learning resource. Participants will then undertake a reflective exercise on their current practice, followed by attendance at a 2 hour workshop on the 24th of January and the development of a case study outlining how UD was implemented in their own teaching & learning practice. In total, it requires approx. 25 hours of learner effort.

This badge is aimed at academic staff and any other higher education staff members who have a teaching remit e.g. those who deliver training programmes for staff and students.

This staff professional development activity will be facilitated by CIRTL Fellow, Dr Brian Butler, Marie Curie Fellow, James Northridge, CIRTL Research Support Officer, Dr Laura Lee and CIRTL Admin Co-Director, Dr Catherine O’Mahony.

Badge issuers
The badge is a part of the National Forum’s digital badge initiative which seeks to recognise the work which goes in to unaccredited professional development currently occurring across the higher education sector in Ireland.

To gain this badge please indicate your interest by emailing The online component of the course will open on Friday 16th November. A maximum of 40 people can participate in the programme so please respond as soon as possible.

Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL)

West Lodge, Main Campus,
