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Survey Requests (External)

Criteria, approval and application process

The following describes the process by which the University Student Survey Board plans to coordinate all external surveys that target the UCC student populations. Any external survey that meets one of the following conditions should undergo the USSB review process.

Categories for External survey requests:

Category 1


Student, HEA endorsed Eurostudent

Category 2


University Rankings (Times Higher Student Experience Survey)

Category 3

Strategic alliances

Industry partners (Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson etc.)

Category 4



Approval of External survey requests

Any recognised company or organisation planning to administer a survey to UCC students must first obtain survey approval from the University Student Survey Board. The USSB will co-ordinate the internal ethical review of all prospective category 3 surveys. 

Individuals or companies who use student contact information or demographics in a survey must handle all information and results in accordance with UCC’s information security policies. Approved surveys must be administered and used strictly as approved, without changes. All submitters are encouraged to provide a summary of how the data is used for campus improvement or provide articles, reports, etc. that show that the data was used in some fashion. The data and results will be shared on the UCC Student Surveys approved platforms.  

To apply follow the instructions below:

  • At least 8 weeks before your ideal survey launch date email the Student Surveys Unit at
  • Complete a Survey Proposal Form (External) and return along with a copy of the survey in either word or pdf format for consideration by the Ethics representatives of the USSB.
  • Provide Student Surveys with confirmation that any medical survey has received ethical approval prior to submission to the committee.
  • Decisions are made within a month of the intended survey launch date. For late submissions or special cases, decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.
  • Surveys scheduled during registration, examination periods or survey season (Student, Eurostudent, and Times Higher Student Experience Survey) will not normally be approved.
  • For electronic surveys on campus, typically the Student Surveys Unit distributes your survey invitation on your behalf.
  • Once the survey has been administered, the USSB will request follow-up information on response rates, uses/reports, etc.

Criteria for External survey requests

Should a survey be refused, it will be for one, or more, of the following reasons:

  1. Solely for commercial gain and no perceptible benefit to students or the University community.
  2. Unrealistic timescale
  3. Not of sufficient relevance and interest to students and the University Community
  4. Sensitive nature of topic requiring unavailable back up service (e.g. counselling)
  5. Inappropriate wording, content or mode of operation
  6. Unsound format and method
  7. The survey should not seek information that is already available from other sources.
  8. For the purpose of dissertation, theses or assignment research
  9. Inappropriate timing due to other surveys or activities within the academic calendar

University Student Surveys Board

Office of Academic Affairs & Governance ,
