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Staff areas of interest

Staff areas of interest

  Prof. Nicole Müller

  • Communication abilities in the presence of neurodegeneration (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease) or brain injury (aphasia, TBI); ageing-related disorders of communication and cognition
  • Clinical Linguistics, and applications of Systemic Functional Linguistics to clinical contexts
  •  Distributed approaches to cognition and their clinical applications
  • Multilingualism and Irish


 Dr. Helen Kelly

  • Adult acquired communication impairment population
  • Harnessing brain plasticity potential through impairment based therapies
  • The ability of this population to demonstrate new learning and how this could impact on rehabilitation outcomes
  • Functional therapies that encourage greater engagement in society through self-management


Dr. Alice Lee

  • Perceptual and instrumental investigations of speech in individuals with structural anomalies (e.g. cleft palate) or neurological impairment (e.g. motor speech disorders). The instruments include electropalatography and nasometry.
  • Listener training for perceptual judgements of speech disorders.
  • Interprofessional education


Dr. Ciara O'Toole

  • Assessment and intervention for bilingual children
  • Acquiring Irish as a first or second language
  • Developing speech and language assessments
  • Systematic reviews of speech and language therapy intervention
  • Communication Development in Down Syndrome
  • Working with population-based research databases 

Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences

Eolaíochtaí Urlabhra agus Éisteachta

1st Floor, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, U.C.C., College Road, Cork.
